walking past all the posters, i fidget my hands. every time i glance over, i notice big words that are hard to miss.

women, spanish, muslim, gay, black, jewish, transgender, and more.

when i was a kid, people used to have opinions on those words. you got to choose how you felt about peoples' religion or color or sexuality or gender.

but now, that has all changed. if you dont think the way the law says, you will be arrested.

it all started in 2016, when the election came around. the united states was about to pick their new president. but what the united states didn't know was they were going to pick the wrong pres-

"is that noah clayton?!" i hear yelled behind me.

i turn to see an older looking black man walking my way. i quickly notice there is no one else on the streets in this hour. therefore I decide it is okay for him to talk to me.

"you sir are my only hope! if you don't win the election, this president of ours, mr crotters, will run for another four years. and I can't handle him and his racism or-r sexism!" the gentle man says as he inches over to me.

i turn my full body towards him and start walking forward. "well mr i am going to try my damn hardest to win. i really want to change this country into one of love again. not hate."

"you sir are truly going to save us," mumbles the older man. i nod my head and reach to shake his hand. "oh no mr clayton, i don't want to ruin your chance as president. you're already risking it by talking to me, but if someone finds out you shook my hand... well lets just hope you won't be arrested!"

i nod my head in agreement. i turn back towards the direction i was originally going and begin walking away.

· · ·

i put my key into the dead bolt, and turn it to the right. i wait a moment to hear the sound of the bolt moving, before pushing open the door.

"hey clove im home. sorry i am late, i had a stop to make," i yell across the house. i hang my jacket and the coat rack and walk into the kitchen.

i look over and see clove at the stove making instant rice. "hi clay, how was your day at the office. i know you were going to campaign today but-"

cutting clove off, i drop my phone on the floor. "i am not in the mood of talking about the office right now."

"that's okay clay. is your phone okay?" clove asks as she moves onto slicing pieces of bread.

"yeah it's fine. how did Alec do in school today? did any of the kids bully him again?" i ask as i go to stir the rice for clove.

i watch as clove slams her knife down on the cutting board. "you really want to know how your son is doing? then ask him. you may be surprised how much he actually wants to talk to you! when was the last time you sat down with him? huh? he needs you clay! kids are whipping his ass by the minute! and no thanks to you running for president, it's gotten worse!"

"are you blaming me running as the reason our children is being bullied?!" i yell in shock.

"of course i am clay! almost everyone at his school is happy with crotter being president! and we were too! until you just suddenly decided you wanted to run. why is that clay? crotter was doing great! he was able to make sure all homosexuals and jewishs went to jail! president austin before him just wasnt about to finish his work. but crotter was. and now your wanting to stop him? what are you gay or something?!"

my heart drops. "go to hell clove. you should never say something like that."

"oh so you're defending homosexuals now? not in this house you're not!" clove shouts as she rushes off towards the bedroom with tears in her eyes.

"well maybe in this house," i mouth, "we just can't talk about our sexuality..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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