7- Gene's a Jerk.

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One week later-

Your POV-

I walk to the bus stop alone again. Travis has been away for a whole week now. I'm worried about him.

I get to school, and sit by the fountain. I kinda miss Travis. Even though Gene picks on him a little sometimes, he didn't mind. He just shook it off and pretended it never happened. That's one of the many things I like about Travis.

Gene walks over to me, smiling, and sits down beside me. "Hey," He says simply.

"Hey, Gene..." I pout.

"Don't do that, what's wrong?" Gene asks, putting his arm around my shoulders.

I furrow my eyebrows. "You wouldn't care."

"What? Of course I'll care! I care about you!" Gene exclaims.

"Gene, Travis is sick and he hasn't come back for a whole week. I'm worried about him..." I tell him.

"Oh, him? He'll be fine. He's a..." He paused, "...tough... kid."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better." I grumble.

"No, Y/N, really. Why are you so into him anyway? He's a flirt and he's probably been lying to you about being sick, just so he could flirt with other girls while you're away!"

I push Gene's arm off my shoulders. "He hasn't even barely flirted with me at all, Gene. I like that. Even if he did, that would be fine. And I live right across the street from him. I can go check on him right after school."

"Why don't you do that, then? Just to see him kissing another girl?" Gene crossed his arms.

"Even if that's true, I still don't want to believe it." I stand up and face the other way.

"So you're admitting you like him?"

"Y/N, I don't think he's sick. It's pretty hard for someone to be sick for that long." Gene stands up.

"I've been sick for months at a time before, baka." I scoff. "Leave me alone."

"Fine." Gene scoffed back.

Gene's POV-

She walked off.

"Damn I really messed up..." I mentally slap myself. I know what I said was harsh, but it's true. I don't want her to get hurt, if Travis isn't actually sick and with someone else. Even though they aren't dating, Y/N still cares about Travis. I like her too, but she likes him, so that's a problem.

"Hey, big bro!" Dante walks over to me, crossing his arms.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm being cool!" He spat. The poor kid.

"It doesn't look like it to me," I smirk. He puts a hand on his chest.

"I am hurt!"

"No, you're fine. What do you want?"

"Well, I've been talking to Travis over text while be was sick, and he was telling me about how he likes a girl," Dante explains.

"Okay, who's the girl?" I ask.

"Travis likes Y/N." He said simply.

"What?!" I yell, a bit too loud, earning a few stares from surrounding students. "Why does he like her of all people?" I say between grit teeth.

"I don't know, but he really likes her and wants some advice to ask her out, and since I... didn't really have any, I wanted to come to you."

"Travis should wait to ask her out," I pause, quickly grasping onto a plan. "It's too early. Maybe wait until he's back and not sick anymore." I tell him.

"Makes sense," Dante smiled. "Thanks, Gene!" He walked off.

"Great. Why did I have to say that last bit..." I curse myself under my breath. "He could come back any day now! And I can't talk to Y/N today, she's in a bad mood now, thanks to me."

The bell rang, starting another boring school day. How excited I was to talk to Y/N.

Your POV-

Gene sucks. I hate him right now. I walked into the school, over to my locker. I open it, put my bag in, and take my math books out. If only Travis were here.

Travis sits next to me in math. I miss him.

I tuck my (H/C) hair behind my right ear. Wait, Zane's in my math class, too! I walk to math, and sit in my seat, waiting for Zane to show up. Instead, Travis walks in the door, blushing a little.

"Travis!" I jump out of my seat, and give him a hug. He hugs back.

"H-Hey, Y/N!" Travis stutters.

"Are you okay? You were gone for a whole week! I was worried about you!" I tell him.

"Y-You were..?" Travis asks.

"Yeah! I missed you!" He blushed.

"Thanks, Y/N. I'm fine now, my dad just dropped me off." He smiles.

"Well, I'm glad you're back." I smile back.

Zane walks in, just as I said that. "Hey, Zane!" I hug him, too.

"H-Hey, Y-Y/N!" He stutters.

"Is this a new friend?" Travis asks, putting a hand on Zane's shoulder. Zane flinched.

"Yeah, this is Zane! Zane, this is Travis!" I introduce them.

"H-Hi, T-Travis!" He smiles a bit under his mask, and it's noticeable.
"Hey!" Travis notices his smile, and smiles back.

"See? You're getting alone already!" I smile too.

"Alright, class, sit down." Our teacher says. Zane waves, and sits down at his desk in the back corner.

Travis and I wave back, and sit down in our desks across the room.

-Time skip to after class, lunchtime-

Travis, Zane and I sit down at a table, me in the middle of the two. "Well, that class was boring," I sigh.

Travis and Zane nod. "I agree," Travis says.

"Yeah..." Zane eats a cupcake.

The other three Shadow Knights walk into the cafeteria, and sit down at a table across from us.

"I quit!" I yell at them.

"You can't quit!" Zenix yells back.

"Well, then I guess I'm breaking the rules!" I shout. "Your rules, broken!"

Sasha walks over to our table and grabs me by the ear. "O-Ow!" I yell.

She drags me back over to the table. I growl and hit her. Hard. She let's go of my ear, and squeals.

I run back over to my table, with my friends. "Are you okay?" Travis asks.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. That HURT A LOT!" I yell the last bit at Sasha.

"W-Why did she d-do that..?" Zane asks.

"I don't know. But she's irrelevant now, and they can't boss me around anymore." I sit down, and dust off my uniform's blue skirt.

"Wow." Travis chuckles.

"T-That was brave," Zane giggles.

"I know," I laugh. "Gene's a jerk."


Hope you liked that chapter! I wrote this in 1 hour I'm proud ^.^

Word count: 1117 words


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