After Shock

5.7K 53 3

The Good Guys

Dan Vickers

Amanda Vickers, one of Grubbs County’s finest

Paul Reinhardt, Max’s D.C. team

Aaron Graves

Natasha Graves, another one of Grubbs County’s finest

Leroy Connelly, Max’s D.C. team

Jeff Zimmerman, Max’s D.C. team

Max Mackson (Ret. Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps; works at the Pentagon in D.C.)

Elaine Mackson (Mrs. Max)

Lorraine and Martin Reinhardt, Paul's parents

Semper Fi Team

Joe Holbrook

Camille (Cammie) Holbrook

Adam Hartman

Renee Alexander Hartman

Matt Thompson

Terry Thompson

Will Harris

Lola Harris

Grubbs County, GA Sheriff’s Department

Detective Andrew Billings, senior Detective, Grubbs County, GA

Margaret (Maggie) Billings

Sheriff John Ross, Grubbs County Sheriff

Linda Polermo, Alyssa’s boss

Sight Unseen Team

Josh Anderson

Miguel Rodriguez

Al Hendrix

Ray Dawson

Clients (a.k.a. Protectees)

Alyssa Clark (McDonald)

Lakota McDonald, age 3, Alyssa’s daughter

Laramie McDonald, 1 ½, Alyssa’s son

Grammie, Marie Clark, Alyssa’s Mom

Poppie, Ed Clark, Alyssa's Dad

Possible Suspects

Michael Reynolds, Alyssa’s former boss

Allen McDonald, Alyssa’s former husband

Ryan Jamison, Alyssa’s childhood friend

Melanie Franklin, Babysitter

Roger and MIllie McDonald, the parents of Allen

Rob, the henchman

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