One Night

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I storm out of the house. The desperate voice of my boyfriend echos behind me. I pick up speed to outrun his words. I don't want to hear his apologies. I want to run away from him, his adultery, and maybe even myself. In my desperation, my feet take me past streets upon streets of houses and to the only thing left open. The gas station. I walk through the glass doors. The sound of a small bell announcing my arrival. The tired cashier gives me a glance as I walk to the candy aisle. Its time to drown my sorrows in the sweet embrace of sugar and empty calories. Someone has already beat me there, but I pay him no mind. I quickly stuff my hands full chocolate, hard candy, and gummy candy of all shapes and sizes covered in a coating of sour sugar. I walk to the soda machine to wash it all down with Dr. Pepper, but the sound of a laugh stops me. I turn around to see the stranger quietly chuckling to himself. A handsome stranger I might add.

"Are you a one-woman party?" he asks through laughs.

"I am," I say, giving him a small smile. Feeling even bolder, I say: "Do you want a invitation?" I watch his dark eyes light up with surprise and slowly his perfect lips form a smirk.

"I would like that," he answers, his eyes moving up and down my body.

Catching the look in his eyes, I say: "Well, too bad because its not that kind of party." With those words, I return to my quest of finding soda.

I can practically feel his smile on the back of my neck. I've definitely amused him. By the time I've filled my large cup with liquid sugar, he's by my side. He's definitely persistent. "Well then, can I interest you in a ride home?" the man asks innocently. He nods his head towards the clock, which reads 1:43am. "It is late." I don't lift my eyes from my cup. I put on a lid and straw before finally answering him.

"Taking a ride from a stranger? Didn't you listen in elementary school? That's basically asking for your face to be on a milk cartoon," I say, letting my voice have a playful tone to let him know I'm teasing him.

"My name is Oliver. Now, we're not strangers. So can I please give you a ride?" He counters, just as playfully.

I ignore his second attempt at getting me in his car and stretch out my hand. "Ruby. Its a pleasure," I smile. I raise my eyebrows in surprise when he doesn't shake my hand, but rather gives it a soft kiss. I can't help, but wish he had done that to my lips. He opens his mouth to try again for the third time, but I place a finger on his mouth, silencing him. "Shhhhh. You've convinced me. I'll let you give me a ride." I say. I realize then what I'm doing is bold, stupid, and impulsive. I'm only running away from my problems, but I'd much rather run away from them with him by my side.

"Okay, so what's stopping us?" he says, a victorious smirk on his face.

"Nothing," I reply, walking past him. I make my way to the sleeping cashier, Oliver following me like a lovesick puppy. With one soft tap to the shoulder, the cashier wakes up and lets me pay for my food. Oliver does the same and soon we are walking to his midnight blue truck. Sitting in his passenger seat, I can only think that I don't want to go home. The thought of being completely alone with my thoughts is yet another thing I'm running from.

"Do you even want to go home?" Oliver asks, seeing my distress.

"No," I answer honestly. That causes him to show me that signature smirk I'm beginning to adore.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear," he chuckles, ever so slight leaning into me. Grinning from ear to ear, he continues: "I know exactly where we can eat all that candy." Then, as if he can't wait any longer, he speeds out of the parking lot. My seat belt is the only thing keeping me from lurching forward. The car erupts in laughs and giggles. The excitement of not knowing where I'm going giving me a rush that I haven't felt in a long time.

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