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*On Facebook*
Girl and Friend Conversation
Friend: Good morning
Girl: Hahaha hello
Friend: What are you doing? Ano gawa mo?
Girl: Nothing really, you?
Friend: I'm getting ready for my soccer practice
Girl: Ah siege siege
*Boy pops out of nowhere while girl is talking to her friend*

Boy:Hey, long time, no chat

Girl: Yeah, long time

Boy:How are you?
Girl:Okay lang, ikaw?
Boy: Can I ask you something?

Girl: Ano yun?
Boy: Do you still have feelings for me? Sabinhin mo yun totoo
Girl: I've got something to say and it's either in the scale of good or bad

Boy: What is it?

Girl: Look, I already told you I said no and I have a good reason on why I said no to you. I wanted us to be friends like good friends and I chose my education and other important things over love. I really hope that you understand my decision and I'll still love you but just as a friend. 
Boy *enraged, anger*: Ah okay I understand. KAHIT NA SAKIT SA AKIN. If it's  your decision right, I'll leave your life! WALA AKONG MA GAWA EH! 
*Girl reads message of the boy and is sad, on the verge of wanting to cry*

Girl realizes to herself.

Girl's own self: Bahala siya, don't cry over that man. He's not worth your worth. You can find someone better. Someone better that can actually be understanding and loving. Bahala siya, let him be. Anyways, he's way out of your league. 

"Wasted Precious Love"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon