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Everyone I know and love is dead.

They're all dead.

--Six years ago--

I can't fly. Why can't I fly? All of the other angels my age can fly. Yeah, I was only born eight years ago, but that means I should be able to start flying now!

I look down into a large puddle below me. The gems under my eyes embedded to my face shone brightly in the morning sun. My dirty blonde hair has streaks of gold in it that also sparkled. I notice that my light blue eyes makes the rest of my face pop.

I scowl at my reflection.

My wings look a lot different than any of the other angels' wings. My wings look melted and shredded, like a lion ripped them to pieces.

The truth is, I, with several other angels, had been captured by one of Satan's three generals a couple years after I was born, and was almost torchored to death with fire. I was the only one, to make it out alive. Thinking about that night gives me nightmares, so I don't like to think about it.

I sit, crying on the edge of a roof of the church when I realized, I could never fly. All those dreams I have of being free, exploring into the clouds, feeling the wind rush through my veins- that's never going to happen.

"Why are you crying?" I look up to see a boy with purple hair standing beside me. He's probably a little taller and older than me.

I shake my head, pleading him to wave me off, but he sits down beside me. "Please tell me what's wrong."

"Well-" I hesitate. Will he laugh at me, like all of the other angels had done when I couldn't fly along with them?

I swallow hard and open my wings.

"My wings are broken. I'm never going to be able to fly." I cry and put my head in my hands.

"Hey, please don't cry. I think I might know someone who can help you." He says, and smiles warmly at me.

I look up at him. "Really?" He grins and nods.

"By the way, my name is Lucifer. What's yours?"

"Oh, my name's Saki." I say quietly.

"That's a pretty name. I think it means blossoming hope." He says, still smiling.

"Really? I didn't know that."

"Yup. That means that you're going to be able to fly one day, just like you've always wanted."

"Lucifer, does this mean we're friends now?"

"It sure does, Saki."

After that, Lucifer had brought Saki to a priest in a different land. His name was Makoto. He was actually very young for most humans in Ente Isla, and he had taught the young angel a type of magic that could temporarily mend her wings, and give her a type of magical power that no other angel could handle. It gave her the power to weild fire, and use it to her will.

Saki got used to handling the magic quickly, and soon her body was accustomed to the feeling of fire. She could now mend her wings with fire, but her magic supply would often run out quickly.

Lucifer and Saki soon became best friends. Always challenging each other to battles and duels to see who was stronger.

"Let's go, Ki!" Lucifer called. That was his nickname for her, because apparently, Saki was too complicated. "I can't wait to finally beat you into the ground!" He said playfully, and flew up into the sky. They were currently battling it out on an open field near a pretty large lake.

You Can Be My Heaven, I Will Be Your HellWhere stories live. Discover now