Chapter 1

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--four months later--

I woke up sweating, with tears streaming down my cheeks. I must've had another bad dream.

It was no surprise, I usually have a nightmare every other night.

I yawn and manage to drag myself out of bed. I take a sip of the water bottle on my nightstand and stretch before getting into my work clothes.

Soon, I'm on my way to my new job here on Earth. I work as a so-called 'barista' in a coffee shop, named Moonbucks. It's pretty boring, but I need to get money somehow.

As I'm setting my belongings down in the employee break room, I get a text.

'Hey! I haven't talked to you in a while! Why don't we get something to eat tonight after your shift? I'll come to Moonbucks. There's someone I want you to meet! :)' the text read. Rika.

That's pretty odd. I haven't spoken to her in about two months. I had assumed she was busy. Maybe she finally found herself a boyfriend?

I text back an agreement and go to the counter.

"Hello, and welcome to Moonbucks. May I interest you in some of our specials today?"

--after work--

"Koharuuuuuuuuu!!" Rika squeals when she sees me. She runs up and engulfs me in a tight hug.

Koharu is the name I took after coming to Japan. After I came here, I wasn't an angel anymore. I was someone- no, something completely different. A human.

So, I took a different name. I want to forget Ente Isla altogether.

But, during the first night I was damned here, I'd found that whenever I'm in direct moonlight, I can change in and out of my angel form whenever I want. I can even use my magic again.

Along with that, for some reason, and only at night when the moon is out, I get terrible, insanely bad nightmares that will sometimes trigger my magic.

But when the moon goes down again, it all goes away and I turn back into a human. I've learned to start sleeping through it during the night, but it always causes me body racking nightmares and multiple burn scars. It only happens against my will when I'm sleeping for some reason.

"Hey, Rika. Haven't seen you in a while. Your hair is so cute!" I smile at her and pat the top of her head.

"Awe, thanks Ko. You always look cute! And it feels like it's been years! Way too long." She says, causing me to giggle.

"Alright, so, where's your friend?" I ask when I realize that she hasn't brought anyone along with her.

"Oh! We're meeting them at the MgRonalds near here. We better get going. Come on!" She says, trying to pull me out the door.

"Woah, hold on! I'm still in my work clothes! Let me get changed. I promise I'll be quick!" I say, heading towards the break room.

"Ugh, fine. Meet me outside and chop chop!"

I find my locker and grab my clothes inside. I quickly take them to the bathroom and undress. First, I slip on a black tank and dark wash insanely ripped skinny jeans. Next, I slip on my black vans and a red flannel. I leave my dirty blonde hair the way it is. What? It looks fine- okay, well, decent will do.

I have to admit, it's weird seeing my face without the markings it had in Ente Isla, but I got used to it, soon enough. After all, this is a human body.

After checking myself in the mirror millions of times, I go out to meet Rika.

"Finally! Jeez, you took like eight hours!" She says, starting to walk towards MgRonalds.

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