Aewon's death

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It was one year to the day, since Taelar escaped Mirkwood with Falander's help. Falander and Tauriel grew happier and more in love with each other every day as their wedding was only a month away. All the preparations were in order, and neither could wait until they could say I do. Legolas no longer tried to hide his bitterness towards Falander, and he grew more cautious of his cousin and the King. He was beginning to believe Taelar's warning as Legolas grew more and more impatient.

Enough was enough and Legolas started to take things into his own hands. Sneaking down into the royal jewel room, he stole his father's most desired treasure before securing it in his chambers. Grabbing his dagger he carefully made cut through his fabric shirt, to make him look like he had been in a fight, as well as carefully made a thing cut down the edge of his face as blood slowly dripped down his chin. Smirking he knew that nothing could stop his plan now as the bells rang out as he smirked before running to the throne room. He saw his father angrily pacing, he smirked he knew what to do as he ran towards the throne bowing.

"Father! It was Falander, I tried to stop him!" He panted, as his father glared down at his son before narrowing his eyes.

"Arrest him" Thranduil shouted as he knew he had won before he ran ahead of the soldiers towards Falander's home. He was finally seeking the revenge he wished for. Meanwhile back at his home Falander is still sleeping from a last shift the previous night, since it was day off before his sister Aewon ran home in a panic, she rushed up the stairs to her brother's room and roughly woke him up as he growled.

"Not now Aewon, let me sleep" He begged before she roughly shoved him off the bed. With an angry growl he turned to his sister only to see the fear in her eyes as rushed to her side.

"Aewon what's wrong?"

"Thranduil thinks you stole his jewels! They are on their way to arrest you!" She whispered petrified as she helped him hurry and getting changed. He slipped on a muddy brown leather pants and his boots. He pulled a white shirt over his head and began buckling up his brown leather vest. He grabbed his sword around his belt, he just placed his quiver on his back his bow in his hand when a sudden knock erupted downstairs causing them both to freeze.

"FALANDER! OPEN UP!" Legolas's harsh voice commanded as Aewon pulled her brother into a final hug kissing his cheek before she ran downstairs. He grabbed his forest green cloak and placed it around his shoulders in a hurry as he could hear a lot of commotion downstairs as he knew Aewon was trying to buy him as much time as possible. Hearing the loud stomps on his boots on the steps, Falander jumped up and hung between the planks of wood above his bed.

"Where is he?" Legolas demanded as Aewon came in the room behind him. It was evident he had hit her as a massive bruise was forming over her cheek. Grabbing her by her neck and squeezing she kept gasping and clawing at his hand as he lifted her off the ground slightly. Falander couldn't just hide and watch him murder his sister no matter how much she was begging through her eyes for him to remain hidden he jumped down knocking Legolas against the wall dropping Aewon.

"I didn't do it!" He snarled at Legolas, his forearm pressed against his neck as he had him firmly stuck against the wall.

"I know! Because I did!" He shouted kicking him hard in the stomach as Falander groaned and drew his sword as Legolas drew his in response still smirking, his face and eyes screamed the darkness that had filled his heart over the years.

"Why? What have I done to deserve your wrath?" Falander begged as their blades began to clash echoing throughout the silence, as they dodged and danced. Falander had always been better than Legolas as he knew he had a slight advantage, but Legolas had rage which made his blows stronger and more forceful but also lazy.

"She should have been mine!" He snapped as he kicked Falander down the stairs as he rolled and growled followed by a growling Legolas. Aewon who had recently recovered from lack of air stumbled to her feet in the bedroom, grasping the dagger she always kept under her pillow.

"Tauriel! This is about her!" Falander screamed back angrily as he fought for his life and for Tauriel's freedom. The fight grew stronger and more dangerous as Falander fought for his life and also ensured that Legolas stayed clear of Aewon. He didn't trust him not to harm his sister to bring him pain. As they continued to fight, Legolas went to strike him in the stomach when he wasn't looking however Aewon saw as she saved her brother by shoving him out of the way as the dagger pierced into her clothing. Legolas was shocked as her breathing turned to gasps as he removed the dagger, causing her to fall to the ground as her dressed began to stain with blood.

"NO!!!!!" Falander cried out as lunged at Legolas, sending them both crashing down the stairs. He roughly and dangerously threw punches at Legolas causing blood to begin trickling down his nose, before he knocked him out with the hilt of his sword causing blood to trickle down the side of his face and a massive bruise. Blinded by tears he ran to his sister's side as he placed her in his arms as he put pressure on her stomach as she gasped. They both knew it was a lost cause the dagger had gone in too deep but Falander refused to let his sister die in his arms as they were both crying. Falander was crying because he refused to let her die, and Aewon was crying because she feared for his safety.

"Falander......promise'll stay safe...please....father can't lose you as will kill him" She begged as he gave a soft chuckle through his tears and nodded.

"I promise" He wept as he kissed her forehead as she gave him a small smile.

"You must....go" She whispered as he shook his head in refusal.

"I won't let you die alone" He cried as she smiled up at her big brother.

"If you see Taelar.....tell him...."

"I will" He promised as she sighed almost like she was happy to give in and die as Falander rocked her back and forth. As she began to fade from his world she softly sang the song their mother would sing when they were frightened as Falander wept harder when her voice stopped and her body grew heavier in his arms. Scooping her up, he placed her on his bed and kissed her hair once more as tears fell from his face down on to hers. His hands were covered in her blood as he tried scrubbing it off ignoring the fact that the guard would be down any minute to take him away. When his hands were faintly stained red he took his leave out of the window and made a dash towards Mirkwood forest.

Meanwhile it was Thranduil's job to tell Melaran about his daughter's death and of his son's betrayal. Melaran had never been an emotional man however when he found out he had lost both of his children he wept and broke down, Thranduil was shocked at first before he comforted his friend, even though he had wanted his wife, he felt sorry for his best friend. Since that day onwards Melaran disowned his son and refused to let anyone mention his name in his presence no matter how guilty and sad it made him. He lived in a world where his daughter was taken from him and his son dead.

Melaran was the one who informed Tauriel about Falander. She didn't take it very well and was in denial for month especially when it was announced that Falander was wanted for the murder of Aewon and for the theft of Thranduil's jewels. She knew of their strong bond together and refused to believe he had the power to kill his own sister. However through Legolas's manipulating words and lies made Tauriel grow to hate him as did everyone else in Thranduil's Kingdom. Legolas knew he had won when he told Tauriel that Falander had killed Taelar. Falander was wanted alive so he could face punishment and Tauriel had made it her priority to be the one who gave it to him, which is exactly what Legolas wanted.......

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