Is that a baby?

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The wolf pounced and bit my leg. I let out a blood hurtling scream and the blanket started making noise. I heard people behind me and assumed everyone had heard me scream, the wolf had let go of my leg and it's attention was on them. It started walking away from me and I crawled towards the blanket.

I heard bones shifting behind me and looked back. Now there were three wolves and two were going against one, Jonathan was coming in my direction. Ignoring him I finally reached the blanket, I hovered over it for a second before unwrapping it and just as I thought, it was a baby. He was about ten months old, he has grey eyes, blonde hair, and long eye lashes.

He looked up at me with watery eyes, and a trembling lip. I unwrapped him from the blanket and picked him up.

"Eva put down the baby," Jonathan told me.

"No, it's a baby," I told him. He bent down and examined my leg.

"We don't know where it came from," he looked up from examining my leg then at the baby, "Lets go," He picked me up bridal style and we walked past the fighting wolves then back to lake.

"Why didn't they pay any attention to us as we passed?" I asked. Jonathan ignored me.

"Oh my gosh Eva are you ok?" Leah asked me as Jonathan put me on the back of the truck.

"Yah, just a little bite no biggie," I said my full attention now on the baby.

"Is that a baby?" Melanie asked me. I nodded my head.

"Where did it come from?" Leah asked.

"I have no clue. What should we do with him?" I asked looking around at everyone. They just all looked back at me.

"Let's go back to the pa- the house and then we can asses the damage," Jonathan suggested. I nodded my head. Everyone piled on the back of the truck and we drove off leaving everything where it was. I suppose the guys would get it.

Once we made it to Jonathan's house, Leah took the baby, and Melanie helps dress my wounds. After she finished she gave me some pain killers and Leah came back downstairs the baby fast asleep in a carrier.

"Where did you get that at?" I asked. Leah shrugged and set the carrier down next to me.

"Ok, apparently the child was on his way to go live with his aunt. His name is Liam. I have called his aunt and she is on her way now," Jonathan finished and was out of breath by talking so fast.

"How did you figure all that out so fast? It's been what, forty minutes since we got here?" I asked.

"I figured it all out because his aunt is a close friend of my brothers," He said matter of factually.

"Just wondering," whispered back.

"Where's Paiten and Isabella at?" Leah asked. Jonathan just shook his head. They are strange people in deed.

At last the door bell rang and Jonathan was the first up.

"Well is he alright?" was the first thing I heard. Then heels clicking on the marble floor made their way to the living room. A woman in her early forties enters the room. She immediately makes her way to baby Liam. This must be his aunt. Wonder what happened to the mom and dad.

"Oh my poor nephew! I was assured by Paiten that he would be delivered here safely! Not left in the woods!" She exclaimed. Jonathan's eyes widened.

"My bother was supposed to bring him back?" He asked she nodded her head, "We are officially on lock down. The new curfew is eight o'clock. Anyone caught out after that will have to answer to me. Spread the word," Everyone scurried from the room. The lady took the baby and there was only me left.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "What's happening?" Jonathan's eyes met mine. He cursed under his breath.

"Nothing, do you want me to take you home? I suppose that would be best," before I could ask anymore questions he picked me up bridal style and put me in his car. Whats going on? Curfew? Who is everyone? These questions whirled around inside my head giving me a headache.

As he was driving me home he lit a cigarette and I scrunched my nose.

"Do you have to smoke that cancer stick right in front of me? You know second hand smoking can cause cancer. But, first hand smoking will make your lungs all black."

He chuckled. I all of a sudden felt a rush of cold air and goose bumps soon covered my skin.

He parked in my drive way and I got out the car before he could help me out. "I got it thanks for everything!"

I hopped inside as fast as possible and slammed the door shut behind me. What actually just happened?


Sorry for the short chapter, but the next will sure to be longer! Don't forget to vote comment and share!

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