Open for Dares n Asks!

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Rules here and then you can Dare or ask Volga anything.

X: Nothing above kissing, I'm fine with neck kisses and making out but no sex.

X: Volga is bisexual. Throw anyone at him.

X: Just send some dares or asks. Some of them maybe true but if the Dare is too far out of line, I will reject it.

X: Alcohol is permitted. Drunk dragon = funny dragon. Booze him up!

X: Fighting is too.

X: Torture is fine but nothing too violent like showing the arteries and veins. That'll be very nasty along with missing limbs. Don't make anyone sick pls.

X: Music is allowed to be used. Music is amazing and Volga loves it to pieces.

X: Have fun.

Ask or Dare: VolgaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora