Alfred loses the chicken

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Alfred Pennyworth,the butler at Wayne manor was cooking for a special family dinner. He grabbed the chicken from the large black (because everything batman owns is black XD) freezer, he set it out on marble counter. He heard the door bell ring. He swiftly paced down the large steps. He glared at Damian. Bruce's son and current Robin.
"Master Damian,do not put any holes in the walls."
"Yea..yeah.." Damian replied
Alfred opened the huge door to find Jason. Jason Todd.
"Greetings,Master Jason!" Alfred said surprised that Jason was the first to arrive."come on in!"
"Hey,my bro! My main man!" Jason almost yelled pulling himself into the manor. He had headphones in. His backpack stuffed to the brim with clothing,notepads and weapons.
"I must check on food." Alfred mumbled
"You go do that,Pennyworth!" Jason answered.
Alfred was now in the kitchen. But-..THE CHICKEN HE HAD LEFT TO THAW WAS GONE! He face-palmed at what was happening.
"Jesus christ.." he glared at Titus the dog,Damian's best friend.
"You did this!" Titus answered with a single bark.
"Gaaaaaaaah!" Alfred was frustrated! He had to do something! But what?...

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