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when we were younger we thought everyone was on our side, then we grew a little and romanticized the time i saw flowers in your hair

Lucy sat on the hill braiding flowers together. She watched her boyfriend flitter through the grassy meadow chasing his little cat. She laughed when he caught him and smiled warmly as Natsu jogged up to her.
"Whatcha doin'?" He asked, plopping down next to her. She giggled, eliciting a large grin from the man next to her.
"I'm making a flower crown. You want me to teach you?" She inquired, eyes wide with curiosity as she watched Natsu pull a few dandelions out of the ground and fiddled with the stems.
"Sure," he responded as he tucked a flower behind Lucy's ear, causing her face to flush. Noticing this, Natsu decided to kiss her cheek.
"Natsu!" Lucy blushed again, making Natsu laugh loudly. Natsu observed as she tied the ends of the flowers together. Without warning, his blonde girlfriend dropped the flower crown on his pink hair.
"You are ridiculously cute with that on." She teased, a smirk gracing her lips. Natsu's face reddened to a shade with a rivalry to his hair; his revenge was a kiss that caused Lucy to temporarily lose her balance and fall backwards. The two of them started laughing and neither of them wanted the moment to end. As they regained their composure, Natsu lay on Lucy's stomach while playing with the dandelions once more. Lucy played with his hair and watched his calloused, nimble fingers weave knots into the plants. When he was satisfied with his work, he sat up and turned to Lucy.
"Here ya go, Luce!" He raved. She observed his onyx eyes and could literally see the love in them. He placed the flower crown on her golden hair and patted her head. She laughed as he placed a small kiss on her lips.

takes a boy to live, takes a man to pretend he was there

Natsu had a predicament- he had brought Lucy to the meadow to propose. His problem? He wasn't sure how to do it. His brows furrowed in thought.
"Are you okay, Natsu?" Lucy voiced her concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Lucy, you know I love you, right?" Natsu turned his body to face Lucy.
"Of course, silly." Lucy glanced at her hand entwined in his.
"And you know that I would do anything for you. Anything." He looked in her eyes for the affirmation he desired.
"Natsu, you're scaring me." Lucy stammered.
"That's not what I mean to do." The flower crown that sat on top of his head slipped off slightly as he rose to one knee. Lucy's hand went straight to covering her mouth.
"Lucy Heartfilia, will you marry me?" Natsu looked to her, a plea in his eyes. Lucy kissed him with as much love as she could possibly muster up. She didn't think she could love anyone more than Natsu Dragneel.

takes a man to live, takes a woman to make him compromise

The two little lines on the stick showed the news they both secretly hoped for. She was pregnant, and they were going to be parents.
"I love you so much, Luce." Natsu embraced his wife, tears streaming down his face.
"I love you too, Natsu. Thank you for making one of my biggest dreams come true." Lucy confessed, her tears staining his white tee shirt.
be in my eyes, be in my heart
be in my eyes, eye eye eyes,
be in my heart

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