~Chapter 3~

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~Chapter 3~

*Bell rings*

"Alayna I need to talk to y-"

"Swerve Bitch!" I cut off Mr. Biersack and walk to my seat to sit.

I sit down and look up to see him glare at me while closing the door behind him.

"Ok Class, page 411 let's get started and Alayna" he stops. "I need to see you after class." He says sternly. A class full of "oooooos" happen as I roll my eyes. "What ever you say."

*bell rings*

I attempt to get up before he can see me but unfortunately that didn't quite work.

"ALAYNA!" He yells angrily. "SIT! NOW!" He yells pointing to the desk.

I sit down and look at the desk that has "M+A=Forever" engraved into it.

"That stunt you pulled was completely uncalled for!" He yells at me. I keep my head down.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!" He slams his fist on the desk I'm sitting in.

I look up with a smirk on my face. Loving the anger he has on his face.


"You know you should be fucking students in closets. I mean aren't you a little to old for the girls here?" I smart mouth him with a smirk.

Just then his hand meets my face with a hard slap.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that do you hear me!" He growls in my ear.

My anger builds up inside of me and I slap him back but harder.

He looks at me with shock in his face at my actions. " Don't you ever fucking touch me again you rapist!" I say sternly. I grab my stuff and began to run out but he grabs my arm throwing me against the desk. "Now you've done it!" He says locking the door then walks towards me. My attempt to get away ends in fail once he picks me up and sets me on his desk.

"You know Alayna I was really starting to like you and was hoping I could show you the real me, but now you pissed me off and now I want nothing more but to fuck you right here to teach you a lesson." He whispers in my ear seductively.

His words drive me crazy and began to turn me on. He uses his knee to separate my legs apart.

"Are you ok sweetheart?" He says sweetly while lifting my head with his finger under my chin.

I nod at him and he kisses me softly with his perfect plump lips in return. He begins to remove my shirt when a bang comes from the door.

"ANDY DONT YOU TOUCH HER! SHES MINE!" I recognize the voice quickly and know that it's Ashley.

I look at Mr. Biersack who has anger written all over his face.

"Your name is Andy?" I whisper. "Yea." He smiles. "That's hot!" I smirk.

"ANDY GODDAMMIT!" Ashley bangs more on the door.

"C'mon! Hide in here!" He puts me in the closet. "Lock the door ok!" He says closing the door.

I lock the door and stay quite to listen to what happens.

"Andy where the fuck is she?!" Ashley yells pushing Andy out the way.

"She isn't here." He says calmly.

"I know she is here Andy! I can smell her!"

"She isn't a piece of meat Ashley!" Andy yells back.

"We'll maybe you should leave others property alone!" Ashley yells.

"It's not like you've bitten her yet Ashley so if I wanted her I can still get her!"

"Bitten her?" I think to my self.

"I just read her thoughts Andy! She is in here!" He yells throwing a desk out the way. "ASHLEY CALM DOWN!" Andy yells grabbing Ashley's arm. "YOU CANT HAVE HER ANDY! I WONT LET YOU! NOT AGAIN! NOT THIS TIME!" Ashley yells pulling his arm away. "Ash..I-" Andy begins. "YOU TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME ONCE BUT NOT AGAIN! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDNT FALL IN LOVE WITH HER!" Ashley begins to tear up. "Ashley im so sorry, I never ment to hurt you." A tear falls from Andy's eye as he speaks. By that time I couldn't take it anymore. I kicked the door down to see them both standing there, looking at me in shock.

"Clearly you both see me as a piece of meat!" I yell.

"Alayna! Baby are you ok?" Ashley says walking towards me.

"Don't touch me! I don't even know you!" I say pulling out of his grip.

"And you!" I say looking at Andy. "You're a rapist!"

~End of Chapter 3~

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