Entry 3

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Dear diary: I awoke to a strangely sad atmosphere this morning. I didn't think much of it. I just put on my black dress with the gray patches and made my way out. I went to the Queen's chambers to help get her dressed, but when I walked in the bed was empty and so was the room. This didn't bother me entirely because sometimes the other ladies would help Queen Katerina get ready and so I just made my way to the dining area. Surely her and the king were probably just sitting down eating their breakfast. However like earlier I found myself standing in an empty room. I was starting to feel a little uneasy now. And that's when the princesses' nanny came strolling in. I immediately walked up to her "lady Margerie do you know where the Queen has gone off to?" Lady Margerie looked at me with a tear stained face and said "Did you not hear King Felipe has asked the Pope and the Vatican for a divorce. It was granted at the earliest of the morning. He is sending Queen Katerina to his estate in Wessex, England where she will live from now on. He is also sending his daughters away. Sicily will of course be staying in England with her fiance. The two youngest Sofia and Isabella will both be sent to France where they will both be engaged to French noblemen's sons. It's his way of keeping the peace with France as well as England."

With that she hastily walked past me. I could not believe this. If the Queen was leaving what did that mean for me. I ran to the big doors leading to the front of the castle and to the outside. I saw three carriages. Noblemen and women were standing around saying their goodbyes. King Felipe was saying goodbye to his daughters assuring them that they did nothing wrong and that he loved them so much. He was telling them that they were just doing there duties as princesses and that they were helping keep Spain a great country. I also noticed Queen Katerina standing by one of the carriages no doubt waiting to say her goodbyes to her daughters. I quickly made my way over. "Your majesty?" I questioned. She looked at me and I could see her eyes glistening over. "Dear Seyyora I fear that this maybe the last time I will ever smell the fresh Spanish air. I will spend the rest of my days locked up in the Wessex estate in England. I could not bare any sons and for that he is punishing me. He will not even allow me to have my daughters with me. He separates them from me. I will be alone."

I felt pity for her which I know is strange considering my status. But I also feared for myself and had to ask no matter how bad my timing may be. "Your majesty what will come of me. If you are leaving what happens to me and James." She looks at me and her eyes soften she must see the fear in my eyes. "Well you needn't worry dear Seyyora you shall be fine. Felipe is looking to remarry, surely the new Queen will need someone to tend to her. Do everything she says. Do not question her. And do not speak unless spoken to. You shall be fine." And with that she walks past me and makes her way to her daughters. I watch as they share a tear filled goodbye amongst themselves. Then I watch as they all enter their individual carriages. I even watched as their carriages disappeared into the distance. I looked over at the King I noticed that he did not look at all sad or remorseful. He looked over at me and a cold and sinister sneer crossed his dark features. It sent chills down my spine and I could not help but think of what changes this was going to bring to the castle. And how it would affect all of Spain.

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