Healing Old Wounds

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A small male chimp only a few hours old clung to his mother's chest, her body heat had slowly faded away since the time of his birth. She lay still and unmoving, her eyes distant and empty. Myra did not caress her baby, nor did she try to quiet his whimpers of distress, which gradually grew louder. The bushes rustled nearby and the infant instinctively fell silent, another female drew near and signed to her fellow troop member, keeping a respectful distance as she hooted softly. "Congratulations, is this your first?"

Her question went unanswered and the female tilted her head as she cautiously approached. "Myra?" She signed and lightly touched the deceased female's arm. She felt it was stiffened and cold. "Oh...Myra." She murmured and reached her palm up to the female's face closing her eyes and then slowly drew the infant to her bosom. "You poor thing....I must find someone to look after you."

The female made her way back to home tree the infant clinging to her belly. She gave a soft hoot and signed to one of the gorilla guard. "Must speak to Caesar, urgent." The gorilla tilted his head at her "What wrong Kasa?" She stood up on her hind feet to show the larger ape the small infant which clung to her fur. "I found him in the woods...Myra is dead...a complicated birth." The male gorilla nodded "I will let him know at once, that young one will need milk."

Kasa nodded "Yes, but I am too young to nurse him." "Then we must find another, here give him to me, he'll be warmer in the spiral." Kasa slowly, gently handed over the male infant. "I know you'll keep him safe Luca." The gorilla gave a nod as he took the tiny chimp and held him to his strong chest as he began his journey up the twisting structure. He could hear Caesar discussing something with Rocket and he slowly entered the room and grunted to get Caesar's attention, before signing to him. "I'm sorry to intrude leader, something you should know."

Caesar turned and looked at the large gorilla and spoke. "What is it Luca?" He asked his voice patient, though it sounded a bit tired. The gorilla continued to move his hands making gestures he had been taught. "I spoke with Kasa...Myra died during childbirth." Caesar's eyes saddened "What about the baby she carried in her?" He asked. "Did the infant die too?" Luca shook his head "No alpha, I have the young one with me." Rocket, one of Caesar's most loyal followers approached as Luca retrieved the tiny creature from his chest, watching as Caesar carefully took the infant. "What are we going to do with you?"

The older chimpanzee gently grasped his leader's arm. "Please, let me have him." "Rocket, you want to raise him?" "I know he isn't my son, but Koba killed Ash....and that pain no go away, but maybe this young one, help my hurt, maybe I can be father to him." Caesar gave a nod "I will find one of the females to nurse him, for now bond."Rocket reached for Caesar and pulled the younger male closer to him so that their foreheads touched. Caesar understood what his friend was saying, though Rocket had his hands too full to communicate this to him. "You're welcome Rocket, what will you name him?" The gray chimp, with his thin hair sat holding the infant in his arms and began to groom him fondly. "Zulu." He said as he softly lipped at the male's fur to clean him.

He looked the young infant over and raised his head as his mate Tinker entered the room. She strolled over slowly on all fours and approached the child. "I can't suckle him." She signed to her partner. Rocket moved closer to her and reassured her as he gave a soft hoot. "Caesar will find ape to." She nodded and looked down at the infant. "He must be hungry, confused, many smells around him, different hands touching him." Rocket gingerly offered her the tiny newborn male and she took him into her arms.The three of them headed to their own area where they slept. Rocket watched as an experienced mother chimp gently took Zulu and fed him from her breast, then once he was finished she returned the tiny male back to Tinker. Rocket nodded gratefully to her and signed to her "When will you come again?" She responded with the hint of a soft smile "Morning, it is late. I bring my baby too, can feed both."

Rocket inclined his head and watched as she slowly left. He approached Tinker and nuzzled into her neck for a brief moment. "Do you, still hurt?" Tinker thought for a moment and signed "Yes, but not as bad as before. We must teach Zulu about Ash, how brave he was." Rocket nodded in agreement. "Time to rest." Tinker lay on her back and Rocket gently draped his arm across her belly watching as Zulu sleepily grasped at his finger. "My son." He whispered softly before closing his eyes and allowing sleep to take him.

Morning came with the hungry and impatient whimpers of Zulu who was feeling hungry and irritable. Rocket hooted softly to the young one and watched with relief as his surrogate mother entered into their home. "Has he cried for long time?" She asked before offering Rocket her palm using her body language to ask him permission to nurse Zulu. He shook his head and responded to her as he signed "Just started." The female nodded "Should let him cry some teach him patience." Rocket did not like the idea of Zul being hungry he had already suffered the loss of his mother. "He is baby, only nursed once yesterday has patience already, you feed now please." His sign language had a bit of an edge to it as he moved forward and stroked her palm, granting the female permission to nurse Zulu. His eyes studying his adopted son, he had gone all day without food and only the following night ad been given a proper meal and now after a long night he had only now starting to complain, most infants squalled relentlessly if they weren't fed at least three or four times a day. He knew Myra had no mate, the father was a mystery and yet he could see this baby was very smart he wondered what kind of chimp he would grow into.

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