weight loss judaya

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I'm your side for G's into what I would need to know if you could be completing of school yes they cannot yeah that's it yeah just keep you get there got it doesn'ttaos left leg over level of illegally yep got it say yes I got to that's it okay that was such a pivotal moment for him were supposed to be scared that's why it's called the Warrior Dash now yeah this is where people have to muster up the courage to conquer their fears video yeah first let's hold hands to work together and I'm like okay we can do that but you wrote about this I get burned were jumping over the same CUA you believe they were actually doing on the same yes it was fun the I tell you again it pains me to admit ictus I actually did not want to do it Ste with the dash is over you could just steal self-worth and the self-esteem that the both of them you it's just really ah-hah think wasn’t saying the couch watching TV we were out doing something physical together and having a blast space because this program has almost become like relationship therapy for that it seems like they're friends again let's get some water well done rodeo you guns cool them stays ninety way and I'm definitely nervous about it the said receiver on track refer of traffic because ultimately what we're just three months it piece of my more months to go itself that the scale shows you lost 150pounds or more can get a family trip to New.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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