The Revel

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"Boyes serch the house if u find the girl knock her out bring her to me I have a few things I want to do"

"Got it boss"

I hear foot steps come in starting from the door and slowley creeping to my door I herd what he said he was he was did he wa t me what did I do wrong ther where so many thoughts going thought my head I saw the nob turn it was not the kidnappers it was my dad he told me to go to the basement and hid but to stay very qwiet he was able to clok so they had no seen him slowley turning to the door I had oped it closing it slowley I took very soft slow steps down the stairs to try to be as qwiet as I possibly could the last Stair creaked loudly they all Hurd it I ran as a fast as I could and hind in there trap had I know it was a trap I would not of went into it I fought to find my was out but it was no use this was the beginning I thought I would never see the day or the grass or ever see my parents again "slam" the basement door slammed shut I could hear and see the men one with gry hair another blake hair and the last one blue? The guy with the blake hair looked to not like this job his shirt was open six pack blindfolded it was red purpple sord I felt like I knew him I looked once more he was gone? Then boom he's in front of me? He was a wolf? A shifter? I'm not shure what he is or was in that matter he was a person again?

"Over here boys he yelled she's cought in the trap"

"Nice work aaron"

"What do we have here,she don't look like a shifter?"

"She's not"

"How would u know"

"Trust" That's was all he said he was not ur avrige male there was somthing off about him"

"Kid what's ur name"

I turned my back to the tab where I did not speak nor look at him I could hear him getting angry still he even tried to hurt me but let's say he never would try to do that again I turned around to him and snapped at him he jumped back I bet he was no exsepting me to do that I was fed but the temp of wanting to I did not

"Kid ur a wolf arnt u"

"What makes u think that,you've got know prof"

He kicked the  trap over my hand got stuck under it the Stanger picked it up and got my hand free he was not as bad as I thought beyond how he was treated I was then taken to a lab but of corse the car ride took forever it cam to a stop the man pulled out a burger taking a bite he waved it around I wanted It so bad he finished eating it he new I was hungry it had been 3 days sence I had a good meal like come on how long is it to get to this place gesh he pulled out another on sliding it into my cage in the back of this truck I riped the paper off and scarfed it down fast it had been good

"Tell me ur not a wolf?"

"I'm not I aready told u DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY U WANT A HUMAN"

"U just ate a posined burger and u did not get sick,most humans wouldbe sick right know"


"Gesh kid never new a teen could have such a mouth talking back to someone who could patechaly knock u to the floor aney time I would watch ur back to who's ur runing ur mouth to"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT U DO  KILL ME IF ALL I CARE I DON'T CARE I JUST. WANT TO GO BACK HOME tears roll down my face and I turn my back to him I hear him sigh then other footsteps I lisin closely my hearing is intended to help me if I'm ever in trouble it was a gift when I was born I'm not a wolf I can tell u that I know what ur all thinking but I'm not even a shifter at all why would they want me the man got back in the truck I hear a voice "Lyla Lyla where are you?"
I had no clue who was there I yelled back "over here in the truck there kidnapping me"
The voice seamed conserned it ran I slid back and hit my head on the back I must of hit it hard my vision was blur I knew the truck stoped but why? Where they after him as well was it aaron who was it and if it was aaron how did he know my name the shadow got bigger a man waked to the back opened my door and went to grab me I moved to the back it was dark but he could not reach me I was to far back then a slid door opened behind me pushing me for word I tried to stop it the cage was to slippery then I went with ease I thought if they make me go after the wolf I can escape and go back home but I always had the thought what if they cech both of us? What would I do then

(DISCONTINUED) Anonymous stranger........Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ