feels nostalgic

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"Hi," he breathed out, staring at me in shock. His facial structure had changed since the last time I saw him. Clearly, his freckles have expanded across his cheeks, his brown hair and eyes have darkened, and his jawline. Woah. It was inevitable that he'd changed since the last time we've seen each other which was in senior year, may I add.

Bellamy and I have come a long way. As best friends since birth, we knew each other inside and out. At least we were supposed to. Up until I left after senior year to go to the college of my dreams, Bellamy, Octavia, and I were the ultimate trio, but it was clear to see that Bellamy and I were the true dynamic duo. From learning how to ride bikes together, to going on vacations together, to going to dances together, and eventually sharing our first kiss with each other, Bellamy and I were two peas in a pod. Of course I went through that awkward phase where I had a huge crush on him and we went through the awkward-er phase of meeting each other's first boyfriend and girlfriend.

I loved that Bellamy, only as a best friend of course, but I was afraid that maybe the Bellamy standing in front of me when I came back was different.

"You just gonna stand there and admire the view, princess?" He chuckled, and I was immediately flooded with a wave of relief as the man before me wasn't as 'stranger' as I assumed he'd be.

"I see you're still as cocky as ever," I blushed. He laughed again, stepping out of the way so I could enter the house.

Bellamy stood silent, watching me as I analyzed where we were. Memories flooded my vision and I was surprised to see that the house was still in the same shape that it was in three years ago.

In all honesty, I wasn't expecting to see Bellamy there at his mom's house. Yes, he used to live there, but after we were all grown up I was expecting him to have his own place or to stay in a college dorm. I came to see Aurora, his mother, and check up on her. She had always been like a second mother to me and if there was one thing I felt guiltier about than losing contact with Bellamy and Octavia, it was losing contact with her.

"Feels nostalgic, huh?" Bellamy asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"More than you can imagine," I answered turning around to face him, "I missed this place so much."

He sighed and for a second he opened his mouth, but then closed it—almost as if he'd been holding back his words.

"I missed you," I added taking a step closer. He opened up his arms in a welcoming gesture as I walked towards him, hugging him. He wrapped his built arms around my waist and tightened his hold around my cold body, a nostalgic feeling that will never get old to me.

"I missed you too, princess," he replied, smiling into my hair, "let's go up to the roof," he offered, guiding me upstairs. That would be one asset to his childhood home that I've always loved: the roof. Unlike other houses in this town, this one had a large rooftop that endured all of our childhood memories including when my first boyfriend broke up with me and Bellamy stayed up there with me until I felt better, when Octavia and her boyfriend, Ilian, were caught making out up there and Bellamy didn't talk to him for a month, when Bellamy threatened to throw my phone off the ledge just so I could give him Raven's phone number, and where I had my first kiss. Our first kiss.

But those memories had all vanished from the place. I knew that the minute I left Arkadia. I knew that the minute I left Octavia and Bellamy behind. Now, all there was, was a place to make new memories.

Bellamy opened up the door to the roof and I was surprised to see that the rooftop was still in pretty good condition. It still had the table and chairs to the left and the bicycles that we always rode on the roof to the right. We had the perfect view of a sunset with purples and yellows and pinks lighting up the calm sky. I remembered nights where Bellamy and I would bring a couple blankets and sneak some M&Ms up there at midnight to look at the stars. It was the perfect getaway, the perfect place to just relax with each other and be selfish about ourselves. We could've probably still done it, but it wouldn't be the same.

"I know what you're thinking," Bellamy, already watching me, took a step back.

"And what would that be?"

"You don't have to worry about whether you're out of place or not. You'll never be out of place here," he answered, relieving me of my worries, "I promise."

"Thanks, Bell," I added, cutting the conversation short. It was too overwhelming, I wasn't ready to confront Bellamy about why I left and ditched our plans. He was probably waiting for my answer, "listen, I'm sor-" I was cut off when a car pulled into the driveway. I looked over the ledge to see Octavia and Aurora exiting their car and Octavia spotted me instantly.

"Oh my god," she gasped, "oh. My. GOD! CLARKE, IS THAT YOU?" She shouted, running into the house.

"Prepare yourself," Bellamy smirked, warning me that Octavia will attack. The door to the rooftop opened and Octavia was sprinting out towards me. I leapt out of the way of the ledge so Octavia didn't accidentally push me over when she threw herself on me, us both crashing onto the floor.

"Oh my god, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, C?!" She questioned.

"I just came to-" she went back in for another hug taking the oxygen out of me, "O, can't. breathe."

"Sorry, sorry," she got off of me, allowing me to stand up, "so?"

"I'm staying this time."

Both Bellamy and Octavia stopped in their tracks and stared in awe.

"Clarke? Is that you, Clarke Griffin? My second daughter? My third child?" I heard Mrs. Blake approaching, so I ran up to give her a hug.

"Why yes it is," I answered, pulling away to see that Bellamy and Octavia were still frozen.

"You're s-staying?" Octavia stuttered in shock.

"For good," I smiled.

First part! Tell me what you think!

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First part! Tell me what you think!

Q: Octilian or Lictavia?

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