Chapter 2 : things that go bump in the night

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It was that night that I started noticing something was off .
At midnight I was sitting on the couch with my brother in the living room watching a movie . All the lights were off in the cabin except for the light from the television .
I know this may sound like something cheesy from a horror movie , but I promise this is not .
As me and my brother were sitting on the couch we heard footsteps on the deck in the front of the cabin outside .
My brother quickly looked at the front door and then looked at me with fear struck eyes .
What was worse was the cats , they started growling and hissing at the front door and running through the living room . My brother quickly got up from the couch and stomped over to the front door swinging it open .
There was no one there .
At that moment I shook it off " heh . It's probably a raccoon or a bear ". I said .
Boy did I ever wish didn't say that . 

After the movie me and my bro went up to bed . He climbed into bed with his twin and I crawled into my bed across from them . When I was almost asleep I heard a tapping on the window above us .  I sat up in bed . I did NOT want to turn around and look at the window at that moment . I knew something was fucking there .
After ten minutes of being a wuss I looked out the window . It was dark but I saw something that horrified me into wetting the bed . I saw a eye . 
I leaped out of bed screaming loud like a scared child ! But it didn't leave . 
My brothers woke up from their sleep and looked at the window . It was gone . 
They laughed at me and called me a sissy baby . I knew what I saw , but telling them was like telling a skeptic that aliens were attacking the planet .
I crawled into bed and hid myself under the covers . I knew that something was there and that it wanted to kill or hurt somebody .  But what could I do .  No earthly person has glowing red eyes like that . That's when the thought hit me . It was no person .
It was a demon.

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