The Attacks part 1

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  On the planets Domino and Solaria Belladona attacked saying   hand over the children and I'll leave. The same was happing on Linphea,Andros,Melody and Zenith.
All the said:NO. you WILL NOT GET MY CHILD.
Then so be it. So the fight began,on Domino and Solaria
The fight was getting to hard so they called on Daphne nymph of Sirenix to take the kids somewhere safe. Daphne then took the kids to a hallway and open a portal and was about to put them in but Belladona found her and altered the portal
When the fight was over on Domino and Solaria they asked for their child back but she told them while sending them away Belladona  altered the portal.
The kings of Domino and Solaria held their wives as they broke down.
Daphne said: I'll do anything in my power to find them.
Mother and Father she said to the royals of Domino.
But Daphne had to go to Melody and Zenith because they called for help.
So of she went to help the other royals in need

This is my first story so please don't say mean things just tell me what I need to work on

Also Daphne can change form human to spirit form.

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