Important Note

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Look I'm going to be truthful here right now. I have writers block and I don't know when I'll get inspiration back.

That is also not the only thing I'm suffering from this is more serious than writer block.

I have depression and these last 4 years give or take it been getting worse and I admit I didn't some things I'm not proud of. So this past year or so I thought I was getting better but then disater stuck with some very important people to me passing a few months back. Now I have taken a couple steps back and I'm not really sure if I gonna get over this. On top of that I can't even sleep properly which leaves me to my thoughts a lot which isn't a good thing. I barely go out of my room expect to go to the bathroom, shower, and eat or when I actually want to eat. I honestly feel like I'm going to break any second. I think another reason I stay in my room is so my younger siblings don't have to see what I'm going through. So far I been able to hide it from some people expect my parents and two oldest sisters. However my third oldest sister  doesn't know that I have regressed and I want to keep it that way. I also want to keep this from my younger siblings as they are younger than 10.

In a way I'm glad there is no school because that means less fake being happy bad thing now my family knows. But they only now I have depression just not how bad.

Anyways that was all I wanted to say thanks for listening.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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