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Selena Gomez as Kathryn Smith


Beep beep beep

Ugh another day of hell.

I groan as i drag my self out of the safety and warmth of my king size bed. I shuffle over to my closet and look through my clothes.
     I choose a pair of baggy grey sweatpants and a white tank top. I also grab my favorite black hoodie to throw on over top. I walk into my bathroom and start the warm water. Stripping myself from my pjs i get in the shower and so everything necessary.
    I step out and wrap myself with a baby blue towel and dry myself off before pulling on my matching bra and underwear and slip into my outfit for the day.
      I walk over to my mirror and turn on my hair dryer and dry my dark brown waist length hair before throwing it up into a messy bun. I slip on my grey nikes before grabbing by bag making sure my phone is inside and grabbing my keys before making my way to the kitchen.

"Morning Kate." My mom says as i step into the kitchen.

"Morning mom." I say as i grab a granola bar and head for the door.

I head over to my car and start the engine and head off in the direction of school aka hell.

Pulling out of the driveway i turn on the radio and start singing along to 'Shape of you' by Ed Sheeran.

Before i know it I'm pulling into the parking lot of the most dread place on earth, school.
I shut off the engine and start making my way to the doors trying to ignore all of the glares i get thrown my way from all of the other students.

Why cant they just be nice for once and not give me death glares.

Once i reach my locker i put in the combination.

Just stay out of their way and they wont hurt you. 

I keep thinking to myself as i put my books into my locker and grab my math book.

I shut my locker door and head off in the direction of the classroom all while keeping my head down and trying to stay out of peoples way. Just as i turned the corner i run into a hard muscular wall.

Wait...walls aren't muscular. Shit.

I look up to see who i bumped into. Just as my eyes meet his icy blue ones i freeze. Glaring at me is the schools most popular guy, Nick.

"Watch were your going nerd" he growls while pushing past me.

Who pissed in his Cheerios.

I think to myself walking into my math class and heading towards the back of the room and take a seat next to the window.

Just as the bell ring the teacher walks in. While Ms. Fray begins her lesson i zone out.

I have an A in this class so i dont really have to pay attention to the lesson.

Why cant i just be like everyone else for once.

Theres my first chapter of my first book. I hope u like it. Ill try updating either every day or every other day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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