Read to Me (Cole Sprouse x Reader)

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Hey guys!

Summer classes have taken up most of my time, so I haven't been able to find some to write for my other stuff, but a friend of mine requested a one shot of this. It didn't take long for me to write, and I thought you guys might enjoy it as well! I'll be back soon with Voltron and Mystic Messenger, but for now, read, vote, comment, and tell me what you think!



      The fireplace crackled with delight in the dimly lit living room, as you sat with your knees curled up underneath you on the couch, the book If I Stay laid out across your lap. Your (e/c) scanned the words of each page with interest, as you lovingly played with the pages between your fingers. A warm cup of coffee was next to you on the coffee table, it's steam spreading the smell of the coffee beans throughout the room. Taking the scent in every now and then, you felt the stress of a long day slowly waste away as you immersed yourself further and further into the story, leaving the world in front of you far behind...

      "Gotcha!" someone called out, and before you knew it someone had plopped next you and wrapped their arms around your waist, making you almost drop the book.

      "COLE!" you yelped. You turned to look at him with a deathly glare, but all he could give you was a fit of laughter.

      "Yes, yes!" he laughed. "I finally got you!" You closed the book and whacked it on his head.

      "Not funny!"

      "Then why are you smiling?

      "I am not!"

      "Yes you are."

      "No, I'm not!"


      "No, I'm-" you stopped, mirth bubbling in your chest.

      "HAH!" he said, poking your sides. "You DO think that was funny!"

      "Only because- oh what ever!" He pulled you into a tight hug, making you halfway crawl into this lap. Playfully, you pushed against him to try and escape, but it was honestly no use. He mercilessly, he poked your sides and pecked your cheek, making you squeal with laughter.

      "Ok ok! I surrender!" you forfeited. Stopping, you fully sat in his lap, your back against his chest. You two sat still for a while as you caught your breath.

      "So," he said, "what are you reading?"

      "If I Stay," you told him.

      "Oh! I haven't read that one yet," he explained. "Is it any good?"

      "Do you like to cry your eyes out at sad stories?" you asked.

      "...maybe." You giggled.

      "Then I'll let you borrow it sometime." He wrapped his arms around your waist again, but this time lovingly. Opening the book back up, you searched for where you left off and began reading again. Comfortable silence passed between you two, but halfway through your senses picked up something off. You felt his arms and chest against your back and waist, but they seemed tense. His breathing was long and woeful, and he constantly sighed. Was he feeling ok?

      "Is something wrong?" you gently asked.

      "Not really, why?"

      "You just seem... tense."

      "I'm- fine. Just tired."

      "Are you sure?"

      "Yeah..." Suspicious, you leaned back into his chest and began reading again. He played with your hair a couple of times and even tried to read over your shoulder, but something seemed to keep him from focusing. You started to ask again what was on his mind, when he spoke suddenly.

      "Read it to me," he said.

      "What?" Your head jerked up from your book surprised.

      "Just... read it to me." You leaned back, looking at him quizzically.

      "Don't you have work to do?" you asked.

      "Yes, but I don't have to do anything else until tomorrow," he tried to explain."And... I can't focus. Everything's just been so crazy what with working on the set and going to multiple interviews. I don't want to do anything exciting for once. I just want to be here..."

      "But why would you want me to read to you?" you asked, slightly amused. He was never this calm. He's really tired... you thought. Holding you tighter, he dug his head into your neck, breathing in your scent. Your skin tickled at the contact, making you inwardly shiver.

      "Because I like your voice," he said. "It takes a lot of my stress away." You felt your face grow warm at the compliment.

       "And how do I know that you won't fall asleep?" you inquired further, a mischievous smile creeping on your lips. He looked up at you with a cocked eyebrow.

      "And you would complain about that?" He poked your sides, making you giggle. You turned around almost completely, and with one hand holding your book and the other against his firm chest to steady yourself, you straightened yourself up.  Sitting on your knees you loomed above him, staring down into his deep green eyes. He firmly held your waist with big, strong hands, looking up into your own eyes with a soft, loving expression.

      "You will read to me though, right?" he asked again. It was harder to say no this time, not with his eyes pleading silently behind their forest of green. Your cheeks grew warm again, and you settled back into his lap with an open book. Leaning against his chest, you could feel his heart beat rapidly.

      Even though I've known him for years now, you thought, times like that still make him excited... You let out a soft giggle.

      "So," you asked, "where would you like me to start?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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