Oliver and his 9 lives

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Long, long ago when the gods and heros of the world still looked down to the mortals, there was an island called Aeaea. Its beaches were covered with soft golden sands, it had jungles that sung with life, waterfalls that tumbled down in streams of shifting colors, and in the center was a tremendous mansion that sat atop a mountain which rivaled the palaces of the gods. In this particular mansion, there lived a sorceress whose name was Circe. She had a cat, a rather good-looking one indeed, with eyes of emerald green and distinctive patterns in varying shades of silver on its fur.

As morning came, early mist began to clear, birds sung, animals began to stir,and the sun rose casting orange and pink onto a thin layer of clouds. Meanwhile, Circe had made plans to create the end of the world. She needed someone to help her write down her new idea, so she decided to call her cat, Oliver, over.

“Get over here you insufferable cat! I have a task for you.” Circe shrieked at Oliver.

“What do you ask of-,” Oliver yawned lightly as he rose from his resting place and stretched.

“I said, get over here!” Circe interrupted him, then paused while tilting her head to the side, and screeching, “Nevermind, you ludicrous cat! Get out! Get out!”

                    “How ironic.” Oliver muttered under his breath. He sauntered out of the mansion and was greeted by the sweet scent of nectar flowers and the alluring songs from up above of island birds whose glossy feathers varied in numerous vivid colors.

Oliver continued through the lush jungle and perked his ears to listen to the area around him.  He looked to his left and saw a dark red streak hurtling toward him.

He tried to leap out of harm’s way, but it was too late. The arrow had already wounded him in the side. The world started to spin and blink in and out of existence. It darkened until it was as black as night and Oliver fell onto the dense undergrowth.

“Where am I?” Oliver whispered to himself as he shot up from the ground. He blinked a few times and took in his surroundings. “What is this place?” Suddenly, a grey screech owl flew over his head.    

“Hooo! You’re in the Underworld. Do you not remember what happened?” Oliver raised his head and met the insightful eyes of the owl. They were deep golden pools that seemed to hold infinite knowledge. He became entranced and started to listen carefully. “I am the screech owl of Hades, God of the Underworld. A once-acquaintance of yours has shot you down and has brought you to this place. Because you have died, you will be judged on your life. Whatever comes from this judgement will determine your sentence in the Underworld. The demi-gods Rhadamanthys, Minos and Aiakos shall be your judges of your sentence.” Oliver all of a sudden snapped of of his trance and jumped to his paws.

“No, wait! Please give me another life. I am young and haven’t been able to travel the world, see the culture, and do great things.” Oliver pleaded to the owl.

The owl pondered for a moment, then said, “I will give you another life, but I do warn you, do not try to change the natural way of life. It cannot be altered. The gods and goddesses of our world will not appreciate those wrong-doings and will most definitely punish you.”

“Of course, of course! Please let me live my life and I shall thank you.” Oliver earnestly answered without caring much about the owl’s warning.

“Then I shall.” the owl responded with a nod of his head. All at once, in a brilliant blaze of light, Oliver was in the jungle of Aeaea.

At this time, night had already fallen and a canopy of eerie stars emerged among the ocean of darkness. They seemed to hide themselves behind the dim, gray clouds. The luminous pale moon rose as if it shouldn't be up on a night like this. It seemed that night had perceived what was to come from Oliver’s inevitable choices. Then, Oliver stretched out his back legs, then his front, and headed back to his home, Circe’s mansion.

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