Rising Storm

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   Dr. Flug's eyes squinted out to see the rising sun in one of the only windows he had in his lab. Had he stayed up that long? He sighed, looking back down at the desk he sat at, fiddling with the new invention he had just completed.

   The pen was that of a typical business pen, navy blue with a silver lining. But on the inside, and Flug was quite proud with this, was a compact system with very explosive material inside. But, with the channeling technology he had installed, that explosion would be converted to a high-voltage bolt that would be shot out of the tip at whatever it was pointed at, paralyzing the victim's  nurves for at least a few hours.

   Flug examined the new peice of technology he had built, feeling like he might have built something useful for once. Pride filled his chest, and he felt he might be ready to show his boss. But he felt as if he had forgotten something, as if there was a crutial mistake, but that must've been his anxiety talking.
Picking up the pen, he walked over to his lab door, but then stopped abruptly. Yesterday, he thought. Yesterday Dementia wanted me to come to the kitchen at five o'clock. I cant remember why though... then it hit him.

   He had to confess... to BlackHat.

   He gulped in a shaky breath before returning to his desk and shoved his covered forehead into the palms of his hands, propped up by his elbows on the desk. He could show boss the invention, get him in a good mood, then confess.         
   That sounded like a plan.

   Flug looked up at his clock, hanging up on the wall of his messy laboratory. 5:00am, he thought. Great, twelve hours of waiting.

   In the next eleven hours Flug tinkered with new ideas, talked for a while with 5.0.5, perfected old concepts and read up on some old childhood science books that he had kept in the back drawer of his desk for some reason.

   Long gruelling hours of boredom passed until, at four o'clock exact, Dementia burst into Flug's lab, a clothes basket in her hands.

   "Heya, Flugster! You excited for dinner?", she asked, sounding sinister as she wiggled her eyebrows.
     At this point Flug's head was on his desk, his body shook and he had tried to calm himself with music playing from an iPod he had built out of boredom. He hadn't even noticed her come in. Dementia patted his shoulder to get his attention.

   "HUH WUH WHO!?", Flug shouted, nearly falling out of his chair.

   "Relax, silly! Its just me." Dementia smiled. "I've come to get you ready!"

   "D-Dementia, t-that doesnt s-seem necessary. He'll g-get s-s-suspicious anyways...", protested Flug.

   "That'll make it that much more enjoyable! You see, it'll all lead up with small hints of shyness and you wearing a suit, but then there will be a sudden reveal as you show him how you truly feel!", she said dramatically, flailing her arms about as if she were directing or reenacting the scene.

   "My invention though..." Flug mumbled defeatedly, holding it in his hands.

   "Ooh! Even better! The hints can come while you describe your invention!" Chirped Dementia.

   "Yeah, get him in a good mood before I disgruntle him and stuff." Agreed Flug, shrugging and looking up at Dementia, who was shuffling about the basket, looking for something.

   "Do you wanna wear a classic suit? Or I found this white one somewhere! Its so cool and pristine! Oh, or you could wear a wedding gown?~" finished Dementia, wiggling her eyebrows once more.

   "Uh, f-first of all, im a g-guy, so no dresses. S-Second, um... w-which do you think w-would... look better...?" Asked Flug, a nervous tone shaking his already commonly uncertain voice.

   "Hmm...." The hybrid girl stood there for a moment, her fingers on her chin as if she were deep in thought. Then, all of the sudden, she popped up to an excited position and through the white tux in the basket.

   "Classic it is then!" Dementia bubbled, tossing the suit to him.

   "Change, its 4:30 and I gotta get Blackhat ready!" She then swiftly left the room, leaving a dumbfounded, clothing covered Flug in his lab. He sighed, grabbed the suit, and left his lab, making his way to the bathroom down the hall.


   "Take off your second hat so i can comb your nonexistent hair!" Yelled Dementia, restling the dreaded Blackhat. He swiftly pushed her aside and and huffed from frustration.

   "Why the hell are you attempting to dress me up for the reveal of an invention!? Does it teleport me to a wedding!?" Blackhat screached.

   "Um, no, but it is cool! Besides, I have my reasons." Dementia's mischievous smile could only mean trouble as she slinked to his desk, picking up her hairbrush. "Now be a  good demon and take off those hats..."

   "Fuck off, Dementia. Im going out to see the invention." Hissed Blackhat. "Now where is that idiot?" The demon started for the door before Dementia jumped in front of it, arms spread in front of the only exit.

   "NO! It's, uh, it's not ready yet! You gotta wait." A nervous sweat formed on her forehead as Dementia frantically made an excuse. Blackhat seamed to catch on, for a smirk had crossed his dark grey face.

   "Stalling, I see... alright, I'll play your little game. But only because I have nothing better to do!" Blackhat growled before straightening his regular outfit. "But you are not taking off my hats."



   Sorry for the short chapter, I tried, but im actually really busy (says the person with no life. XP). But anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm not dead yet! :) Next chapter will beout as soon as possible, please be patient, and happy 4th of July! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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