The Coffee Place

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        When I was taking my nease to school I saw Brenden taking his brother or something so I tried going home before he saw me but it was to late he saw me he said  Hi do you want to get a coffee ? I said sure .He said I was pretty and how old I was but  I keeped thinking of Kevin I missed him and I didnt want  to cheat on him because I loved him. He asked do you have a boyfriend?

I said yes because I did and I loved him with all my heart.

I asked him if he had a girlfriend and he said no I like this very pretty girl who has a boyfriend and she not interested in me.

I said did you tell her you like her

B》No I want too and then he said you Maria I like you since the  first time I saw you at the park.

M》I didnt say nothing and said he was  good looking but I  have a boyfriend thats when Kevin was calling so I told Brenden I had to talk In the phone and went outside I said hi babe and said I miss you

kevin:hi baby I love you I was just calling if your coming on Friday so I could pick you from you house I said yes.I told Kevin I had to go.

I went in side the coffee place and told Brenden I was going to go back where I lived and said I hope I see you again and when I was going to give him a huge for a good friend but he gave me a kiss it was a good kiss and with a cute boy but I could cheat on Kevin so I said bye.

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