Was she plain jane or something or someone else?

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bear with me while posting this. i am not grammatically correct so hopefully you enjoy my story and ignore my writing mess ups. if the page doesnt seem like it flows or i talk in circles let me know ill fix it i have a.d.d a lot while writing.

this is dedicated to girlscarlet3 for getting me to actually post someting.


My name is Janie Yashoa. *pronounces Ya shoe ah* Well thats my name now. I'm 17 enrolled in Summer Field High. While at school im the quiet loner that wears baggie pants and long sleeve plain colored t-shirts. i have no friends and i keep to myself while there. No one knows my story no one knows me, the real me. I am writing this so if something happens to me and someone stumbles upon this like i did then they will know the story, my story.

3 years ago

I am an orphan. I dont know what happened to my parents. Im not sure if i was given up or if my parents are dead no one ever told me and i wasnt allowed to speek while i lived in the foster home. The "manager" as he was to be called said we were to be seen and not heard not to speak unless spoken to. Unless he was mad or drunk you could hear a pin drop at any given time during the day. 

He got really drunk one night and got mad about something that had happened at his job and decided to take it out on us kids. I would provoke him to hit me instead of the others but eventually they all got adopted but me. I was told i was to old. i was only 14. But anyway he got really mad and decided i should get knocked around. It was a pretty bad beating. The left side of my face was all brusied. When he finally passed out i snuck out of the house. It started to rain as i stepped out the door. I was to scared when i decided to run that i didnt pack anything all i had was the cloths on my back. i started running. i didnt know where i was going or how i would get that al i knew was that i had to get away and fast.

i ran as far as i could that night. i ran into a forested kind of area. i just kept going scared that if i stopped he would find me. i woke up the next morning damp and huddled under a small bush. It was really quiet all i heard was birds chirping around me but still i ran. I ran all the next day to scared to stop and think. That night i realized i was really hungry and really thirsty but i was still in the middle of the forest. i had no idea were i was all i could see was trees in every direction.

I was scared i was going to die but with little choice i kept moving. Mid afternoon i stopped for a small rest but i saw a storm brewing and decided to hurry on. I dont remember how i happened but i ended up running again and the weather was bad. It was dark and i had fallen a few times cutting up my knees. The branches tore holes in my shirt and pulled at my face and hair. Like i said i dont remember how it happened but i ended up blindly running on.

All of a sudden i was falling i let out a ear piercing scream. I hit a dirt floor pretty hard. All i saw was that i was in some sort of cavern and then i blacked out.

end of the prolog 

please send me feed back that be great

ill post ch 2 soon

Was she plain jane or something or someone else?Where stories live. Discover now