Chapter Eleven

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And the drama keeps piling up on poor Gabriella. Somebody is out for her, what are we going to do?


Remember, sharing is caring... :)


Waking up four days ago, I thought for sure that I was tripping. The ordeal with being drunk out of my mind at the club, Tonya leaving me there to fend for myself, and waking up to James—amazingly it all happened. Then to top it off the theatrical night, he gives me the most amazing oral treatment causing me to damn near pass out. If I were dreaming it would explain the wonderful experience mixed with the nightmare but it was all a reality.

One minute he was willing me to feel all sorts of things and the next he was high-tailing it away from me. Whiplash was becoming a common feeling for me when dealing with James. Tuesday was our normal day to visit the gun range for my training but he had to cancel. According to him duty called but I was having a hard time believing that. Lately, I felt skeptical about anything that came out of his mouth, the little he did talk.

Not to mention, he has yet to let me know what was going on with my car. The rental had to be racking up fees out of this world. Speaking of rentals, I have so many questions about the night he picked me up from the club. There are pin-like holes in the night. How did he find me if I could barely function? How did I know to call him? Where the hell did Tonya's ass dip off to and why wasn't she answering any of my phone calls?

It was like she dropped off the face of the Earth. All I wanted was answers to some questions. The harassing phone calls have come to a screeching halt for now but I wasn't holding my breath for the reprieve to last too long. Determined to shake off the funk and quit asking for trouble, I continued with life as if the last weeks hadn't happened.

"Hey bitch!" A screechy voice shouted. Even after the months since Darnell met his demise, I still remember that voice.

"And the bullshit begins..." Rolling my eyes, I turn to see she wasn't dumb enough to come alone. "So, we meet again."

"It was only a matter of time. You thought you could duck and dodge but we found your ass." Reaching into my purse on the sly, I gripped my stun gun knowing that any minute these hoes would jump. There was no way I wanted to wait too late to grab some type of protection.

"I have never been a coward. You got me confused with your 'man' as you called him."

"Tha fuck, he was your man also—let you tell it!"

"That was until I found out that he was laying with rats, then he was no longer my responsibility." In some cases, taunting the enemy wouldn't be wise but I needed time to map out my situation.

"Fuck this shit, stomp that hoe KeKe!" One of the get-along rats shouted.

Just like that, they rushed me. Too sad for them that they thought I couldn't fight. Slinging my purse and other belongings under a nearby car, I braced myself not wanting to play my spade so early. Swinging with all my might I clocked the first bitch dead in the jaw with the hand holding the stun gun, dropping her enough to slow down the others momentum. That only encouraged the other two to start swinging wildly to duck and dodge the hits I could get off.

Holding the trigger down the entire time on the gun to make sure I had maximum strength, I kept swinging. Taking a chance jab, I rammed the stun gun into the main hitter's gut while blocking with the other arm. It was better to take hits from one than both. Soon the first one that I hit was getting back up to get back into the mix. Gathering enough energy, I tagged her ass as soon as she got close enough for the gun to make contact.

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