Chapter 5: The List and the Spot

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            “Let’s get out of here,” Jake suggested. We had all been sitting on my floor, trying to come up with ideas. Myah had a book on her lap, which she was using as a writing desk. She volunteered to be the secretary and write everything down. Except we couldn’t think of anything.

            “You mean, like, leave my house?” I asked. Uh oh. I was starting to feel little phobic. Had I gotten a new one while lying around in bed? That would be typical.

            “You’ve been sitting around either here or in the hospital for two months,” Myah said. “It’s probably normal that leaving might freak you out, so just chill.”

            How did she always know when I was freaking out? I pride myself on an excellent poker face.

            Poker! That’s it!

            “I’ve always wanted to be in one of those poker tournaments, like on TV,” I said.

            “Yeah! And you could wear, like, dark sunglasses and pack heat under the table in case someone tries to cheat you!” Jake said.

            “Duh, Jake, this is real life, not some cheesy action movie,” Izzy told him, rolling her eyes.

            “Okay, you guys, I’ll write that down. But we still need to get out of here,” Myah said.

            “Should we go to ‘The Spot?’” Izzy said, looking at Myah sideways.

            “Yeah but she isn’t allowed to know about it!” Jake said, jerking his head at Myah.

            They all looked at me. I was sitting on the edge of my bed, sniffing my socks. I always do this, because of my Osmophobia, or fear of body odors. I used to make my mom wash my socks like four times to make sure they didn’t stink, but now she makes me do my own laundry.

            “Dude, are you done yet?” Jake asked kindly. He doesn’t give me a hard time about my phobias, which is another reason he is my best friend.

            “Uh, yep!” I put the socks on and looked around for my shoes. Myah pointed towards my closet without looking up. She was busy writing down the poker thing. Nobody was giving me any crap for my wardrobe choices, which were baggy sweats and a flannel. Jake’s twin. I was almost as skinny as him, too, after losing a ton of weight from the chemo. But still two heads taller.

            “Sooo…The Spot?” Izzy asked.

            I looked at Myah, who glanced up at all of us. She was so hopeful. Like Shrub, waiting in the kitchen every time my mom bakes. What did I care if she saw it? It didn’t seem that important anymore.

            “Yeah, let’s go,” I answered. Myah smiled at me, and then quick looked away. I could tell she was super stoked, but was trying to be all cool. She had been trying to find out where it was for two years. One time she even offered me all of her Halloween candy if I would tell her. Jake told me she tried to give him fifty bucks, her life savings. She didn’t even bother with Izzy, because once you tell her a secret it’s like she buries it in a tomb and never lets it see the light again. I don’t know why Myah cared so much. She should just find her own spot. But, whatever.

            “Listen, Myah, if you tell anyone I swear to God I’ll…” I backed her into the door jamb and stood over her. I must have looked extra scary with my pale skin and hollow eyes, like a zombie or something, ‘cause she looked good and threatened. She nodded her head so hard she probably gave herself whiplash.

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