Chapter 2

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I stood in a train car with Alton, Cecelia, Woof, and Tammie. It looked like some sort of living area with couches and chairs and a tv screen for viewing Capitol messages.

"We'll be in the Capitol soon so dinner will be served there. Feel free to wash up before we arrive." Tammie smiled at Alton and I. Cecelia and Woof wandered out of the room and I was left with Alton.

"How old are you?" he asked. I'd never seen him before, but I never really knew anyone in the District except Madame and my family.

"16." he didn't acknowledge my answer, but rather stared at me with a blank expression. "You?"

"17." I stared back, not giving any emotion. We couldn't get too close; at some point one of us would probably have to kill the other. I gave him a quick nod then left, going to find somewhere to wash my face.

I found a bathroom down the hall, locking the door behind me. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and felt the tears begin to form. I turned on the faucet, splashing my face with cold water.

No tears. No weakness. I reminded myself, turning off the faucet. I heard the sound of the tv and went to see what was going on.

It was the Reaping from District 4. The Escort from District 4 wore a sea foam green wig that must've been two feet tall and a matching pant suit. She talked in a high pitched voice as she announced the two Tributes: Laurel Tinner for the girls and Beau Roberts for the boys. Laurel was tall and looked as if she'd been preparing for this day for years. She had her hair tied up and a smirk on her face. No one volunteered to take her place because she didn't need it. She was ready to kill and put off nothing but confidence. I was jealous. Even though I hadn't seen our Reaping yet, I knew I would look weaker than everyone else. Nothing but a skinny girl who was terrified as she walked on stage.

Beau was twice the size of Alton with hair that hung to his shoulders. He, too, looked nothing but confident as he flexed for the cameras. I felt my heart drop into my stomach and looked over at Alton who was looking back at me.

"We're here!" Tammie announced as the train began to stop. Alton and I stood up and filed in behind Tammie who led us off the train and into a tall building. Tammie smiled at us both, her expression almost scary. "Let's go to your rooms." we walked to a pair of elevators and she pressed the up button. We piled in and she pressed 8. "The floor coordinates with the District number." easy enough. We exited and walked down the hall to the first door. "Alton, this is your room. The dining room is on the ground floor." he nodded giving everyone an awkward wave then escaped into his room.

"Annalyse this is yours." we stopped at the room next to Alton's. "We'll be staying just down the hall. See you at dinner!" I said thank you and retreated into my room.

It was the nicest room I'd ever stayed in. Everything was white with the Captiol seal painted on one of the walls. The bed was big enough to fit my entire family and the room must've been the size of our house. I opened one of the drawers and examined a dress made of red charmeuse. I closed it and went into the bathroom. There was a huge shower with spouts forming a circle around from the ceiling to the floor. I decided it was a good time to take a shower and sort through some of my thoughts.

I played around with the controls until I finally got it where I wanted. The hot water ran down my back, untying every knot and relaxing every muscle. Okay, Anna, I thought to myself. There may be kids in that arena that are stronger or bigger than you, but you have just as good a chance as any of them. There are 24 of us and one comes out. Everyone has the same chance to survive.

For some strange reason I felt better. I quickly washed myself, enjoying the nice smelling soaps and shampoos.

"Annalyse! Dinner!" Tammie knocked on my door.

"I'll be right there!" I shouted back, wrapping a towel around my body. Dinner already? I must've been in the shower a long time. I looked down at my pruned fingers and smiled. It was a nice shower. I slipped my dress back on and tied my hair up. It was still wet, but at least it was out of the way.

Dinner was vegetable soup with white rice and rolls. It was so delicious and we never had anything so decadent at home I scarfed it down.

After dinner we watched the highlights from the other Reapings.

District 1 was Jimmias and Florencia, both full of confidence. I didn't catch the names of the Tributes from District 2, but they looked related. I thought of how horrible it would be to be in the arena with Elias. To fight him to the death while Tomas and Mathus stayed home and were placed in a community home. I missed District 3 and I'd already seen District 4. The Tributes from Districts 5, 6, and 7 blended together as I thought of my little brothers trapped in a home with other kids they didn't know, watching their brother and sister kill each other. Then our Reaping came on an I watched myself getting called. My glance over at Elias who wasn't shown on screen and my statue-like walk up to the stage. I couldn't see the terror in my eyes, but rather a blank look that sent shivers down my spine. Alton and I shook hands and the Reaping from Districts 9, 10, 11, and 12 came on. I didn't watch. I couldn't. They all looked so terrified and malnourished it made me sick to my stomach.

"You should think of who you want to be allies with." I turned to Cecelia.


"You'll want to have allies in the arena. People to watch your back and maybe be a distraction." I nodded, turning back to the rest of the room. Woof was whispering with Alton who looked at me with the same look as Cecelia. Allies? Now I had to worry about who I wanted to team up with? Did Alton even want to work together? And when you're done killing everyone else then you turn on the people you're working with. It was all too much to think about.

I excused myself from the room and went out to mine. I needed time to myself. I stared out the window in my room, the lights of the Capitol shining just as bright as the sun during the day. There were people in the streets still celebrating The Hunger Games. I sighed, thinking of my brothers. I would never see them again. I would never see Elias' smile or Mathus' genius with schoolwork or even Tomas' baby face.

I would never dance again. I shook my head, letting go of the thoughts. They weren't going to help me now so I had to forget them.

I changed into some pajamas that were in my drawers and crawled into bed. Sleep would be good and I was exhausted.

I snapped up in bed, sweat beading on my forehead. It was just a dream, a nightmare. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. I tried to go back to sleep, but it was impossible; I was awake.

I slipped out of bed and out of the room, venturing down the hall. I passed two more doors then came to an open room. It was something like a living room with couches and chairs and even a dining table. I walked in and paused, listening for anyone's presence, but it was silent.

I looked out the huge window in the living area, the people on the streets gone, but the lights just as bright. The President's house was in the middle of the square then just a few blocks down was the theatre. I had performed countless times in that theatre in front of Capitol audiences. Would they even remember me? Most likely not. I'm just another girl from District 8. They may remember that one night they went to the ballet and they may have even enjoyed it, but they wouldn't remember me.

I stepped away from the window, finding a free space on the floor.

I started with a few basic foot exercises, then gradually began to move about. I could hear the song in my head, a soft tube that we practiced to all the time. I moved silently through the empty space, finishing with our signature pose.

"That was very good." I looked up at Alton who was smiling from the doorway.

"I didn't know anyone was awake." I said, looking down at the ground.

"I didn't mean to startle you. I just couldn't sleep." he stepped into the room.

"Me neither." I took a seat on one of the couches and he followed, sitting across from me.

"Has Cecelia talked to you?" I nodded. "Have you thought about it?" I shook my head. "Me neither." he sighed. I stared out the window, letting the silence creep over us.

"I'm going to bed." I said finally, standing up. "Goodnight."


The 69th Hunger GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora