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Disclaimer ~ I do not own any of these characters only the ending story is mine, this is an extension of  The Crown from Kiera Cass' Selection Series

 Her Majesty Mrs. Eadlyn Helena Margarete Koskinen. Oh, just the sound of it makes me positively giddy! I am about to become the wife of Eikko Petteri Koskinen and although he will take my name, because the royal name is Schreave, I still love the sound of it. At the same time that Eikko takes my name, he will also become my Prince Consort which means that he will be taking on a lot of responsibility as well, as if I wasn't enough to deal with. I look down at my dress, a one of a kind original designed by one of my closest friends. Hale told me that he would start designing right away but I didn't know that he would have three different options for me by the time I was engaged! Somehow he had managed to design something even more magnificent, and befitting of a queen than my coronation dress, which was quite a feat! My coronation dress was a showstopper, with a sweetheart neckline and a full skirt all in gold . My wedding dress however is pure white with a high lace collar with lace three quarter sleeves and a lacey bodice. The skirt is even fuller than the other one, with a long train that shimmers under the lights whenever I move. For my jewelry I had chosen all pearls to match my new ring and a tiara with pearls to match. As I look around at my only bridesmaids I see that Neena is still trying to organize everything and Josie is completely ecstatic. Her smile could light up the entire castle! I'm the one getting married and she looks more excited than me! I don't show my excitement on the outside, but I feel like my heart might beat right out of my chest if given the chance. I am elated. I can not believe that when they open the massive double doors in front of me, my Eikko will be standing at the end of the aisle. As the musicians begin to play, everybody take their places. The wide doors creak open and I feel the weight of a thousand eyes on me. Everybody trying to get the first look at the bride. There will be two ceremonies today, the wedding and then the coronation. Today Eikko makes vows to me and then to the country. It felt appropriate that vows to a country required four affirmations, whereas vows to another person required one. I wait to see Josie and Neena walk out in front of me and then listen for my cue. Once I start walking there is no turning back, but I want this with all of my heart. I want him, with all of my heart. As I walk down the aisle, all I can think about is him. Our eyes meet and the next thing I know, I am at the altar standing right in front of him. He takes my hands and the ceremony begins. I never cry, but when we read our vows, and recite our I do's, tears begin to trickle slowly down my cheeks. Our first kiss as a married couple is so different and yet so familiar. When I open my eyes I am gazing into the endlessly clear, blue pools of my husband's. Wow! Husband! Alright, only one more ceremony to go. Eikko is a simple person so he wasn't very fond of the idea of a crown. However, right now, with the ceremonial coronation crown on his head he really looks like a leader. As we turn and stand together, I look over at our families. My parents and his side by side,my siblings, my cousins, my aunt May and aunt Brice, and finally the six boys who made up the elite. Including Henri, who true to his promise, made our cake. Standing next to him is Kile, who will forever be my friend but now from a distance, Hale who made my dress, Ean who was my safety net along with Fox and Gunner who both left on good terms and agreed to come back to support us. Through this marriage I have gained another set of parents, now I have three. My parents, my in laws, and my backup parents General Leger and miss Lucy. I can't tell which of them were the most excited for the wedding. Eikko's mom looked like she could burst with excitement just at the thought of seeing him in a suit again, let alone getting married! His father was quietly joyful, or at least that's what I was told. Mr. Koskinen hasn't talked to me much except to tell me that was glad to see his only son get married and that he wasn't actually sure that he would find someone that he truly loved. That made me cry too because I wasn't sure that I would either and yet we found love with each other. My parents were just as surprised that I found someone as I was. General Leger and Miss Lucy were extremely supportive and even helped a lot with the planning. Even my brothers were overjoyed. Ahren and Camille came back from France for the wedding, Ahren was enthusiastic but Camille was deliriously happy. I guess that since they didn't really have a wedding, she wants to enjoy ours as much as she can. As the coronation ceremony comes to a close, we walk out together and I feel dizzy with excitement. I think Eikko might sense that,and he moves closer to me and helps to support me the best that he can without stepping on my dress. As we exit the hall my husband turns to look at me and just stares. " It's not polite to stare at people you know." I joke, " I can't help myself, you just look so beautiful and I can't believe I'm married to you." he replies. " How can I make you believe it?" I lean up to kiss him, but I get caught on my dress and stumble. I am incredibly embarrassed but he acts like he didn't notice, probably because he knows how mortified I would be if that happened in front of anybody else. Instead, he just leans down, leaves a whisper of a kiss on my lips and smiles. " How much longer do I have to wear this crown?"He asks and I laugh in response, " If I tell you it makes me happy to see you wear it, would you keep it on?" He wraps his arm around my waist, " But of course, anything for you my dear." I feel like I could melt in his arms, but this will have to wait, we have guests to attend to, " Let's get going, we can't be late, it was our wedding." We start off towards the parlor being used for our reception and as we finally arrive outside in the hall Eikko stops short and turns to face me. He looks concerned, " I love you Eadlyn." Oh, was that it? " I love you too Eikko but is something wrong?" He seems nervous as he murmurs, "I can't dance." I chuckle at the thought of my husband, who is good at everything not being able to dance, "well, if you don't want to dance then we don't have to. We just have to get through our first dance and then we can never dance again, okay?" He lets out a low laugh in response as we enter the room together. Our parents greet us, and usher us on to the dance floor, to the place where we will begin our waltz, "Just let me lead and everything will be fine." He nods and takes a deep breath. As the music starts we begin to glide across the floor. He is not quite as graceful as he seems, however he does his best not step on my feet. As the song comes to a close, we take our bows and retreat to our table as all of the other couples begin to dance. Eikko breathes a sigh of relief, "thank you, I don't know how I would've done that without you." "you wouldn't have" I answer, " you're my husband now and I intend to keep it that way, that's an order not a request!" I joke lovingly. " I love you Mrs. Koskinen." He replies quietly as he leans in closer to me and gives me a light kiss on my temple, " And I love you Mr. Shreave." I reply turning to gaze at him, and as the night goes on I realize that this isn't happily ever after. It's so much more than that.

The End.

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