Music (Chapter 9)

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The boys were hooked, the day they met each other, one realized a bit sooner that he needed to have the little brown haired boy in his life. Phil reflected on the moment they met, only a few hours ago at work.

Phil walked into the bathroom, just like he would after any shoot to use the bathroom. The producers always tell him to drink so much water while filming so his voice stays 'slick' as they put it, but all it does is make him have to wee really bad. When he walked into the bathroom, he heard someone crying in a stall, he couldn't not help the poor lad. So, Phil took it upon himself to comfort the person hidden behind a bathroom stall door, but who could've known this boy would forever change him.

Phil continues to drive back to his house, with Dan half asleep scrolling through his Tumblr in the passenger seat. Smiling, Phil turns up the radio and Britney Spears' Toxic comes on. Phil goes to press skip when Dan quickly says "Turn it up, this is my song!" loudly, Phil turns up the volume letting Dan sing his heart out to Britney Spears.

"'re dangerous, I'm lovin' it!" Dan practically yells, the windows to Phil's car now open letting the world hear Dan's voice

"I'm addicted to you, don't you know that you're toxic?" Phil chimes in, singing the chorus.

As the song ends, Phil turns the radio down and compliments Dan's voice and how good of a singer he is. Of course, being Dan, he blushes and thanks, Phil.

"I could say the same about you, Duckie." Dan smiles, thinking about Phil singing again.

"Hmm, what songs do you like, I'll play them on my phone?" Phil asks looking over at Dan for a second.

"Um, Welcome to the Black Parade by MCR, anything 21 Pilots, Panic! at the Disco is good, I love Muse, or," Dan pauses excitedly and grabs Phil's phone from his lap.

"All Star!" Day smiles devilishly, ready to play All Star by Smashmouth on repeat.

"I hate you, love. Play some of your emo anthems, not Shrek..." Phil laughs at Dan's music selection.

"Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the sheeeeed, She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an 'L' on her forehead!" Dan scream-sings the lyrics to the famous song from Shrek.

"That's just great, love. Do you mind turning it down?" Phil giggles over the music, trying to get Dan to turn it down, but the chocolate haired boy shakes his head and continues singing.

The song finally ends Dan, out of breath and panting for enthusiastically singing for over three minutes. Dan suggests they listen to "Cooking by the book" from Lazy Town, the kids show that has become a meme. Phil nods, letting Dan listen to whatever he wants.

"You're the best, duckie! Janice would scream if I played any of the songs I listen to, we only listen to Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, etc." Dan rants, Phil just listening quietly to the young boy ramble.

"Sorry about that, love. You're always welcome to play whatever you want in my car around me." Phil smiles, rubbing Dan's thigh gently as something to keep from fidgeting while driving.

Dan plays a few more songs, singing loudly to each one, Phil even joins in towards the end singing a whole song with Dan. Dan compliments Phil's ability to get all the right notes. To which Phil replied, "I have a lot of practice, Carrie makes me sing with her, a lot." Dan smiled and asked who Carrie was. Apparently, her and Phil have been friends for awhile and she's a singer. By the time Dan finishes asking questions about Phil's at home life, they arrive at the older man's house.

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