Chapter 3 : El Fin ( The end.. of middle school)

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Sorry I didn't fill you guys in from February to May. So here's what happened: I dated a kid and I broke up with him thinking he was a problem but really it was me. Surprise, surprise 🙃 . Anyway, My math teacher was giving me hell over nothing. She stressed me out and made my life more complicated to ace my favorite subject, ironically. And I still remain as sarcastic as ever (: . I also started running track in April, I believe. I wasn't that good, actually I was last person to complete my mile. But at the end of my season I was almost in the front aka the first people to be finished running their mile. Every time I went to track, bad thoughts flooded my head. I became instantly stressed. I mean, my coach didn't care at all and I liked nobody there except these two girls named Ashley Raven, and a really peppy 7th grader. Now you know that's not their real names but they know who they are. The reason why I didn't like most of them was because they tried to be like their peers. And what I mean by that was that they tried to fake like they were cool peoples but they weren't, they tried to dress like them (and you know what the stereotype about how black people dress is, which is proven to be true time and time again because we as a community spend our money on worthless stuff like clothes and shoes to look "fresh" for the gram.) They thought they were better than everyone else. They had an unattractive cockiness that I could smell from 12 feet away. Thinking about them stresses me out. I can't seem to remember the rest so here's what the actual chapter is about.. El Fin
June 4th was one of the suckiest nights of my life aka formal. If you don't know what formal is, it's a miniature prom for rising 8th graders. Now, you're probably wondering why my night was sucky. Right? Cool. It was one of the suckiest nights ever because my favorite, short for "Favv" at the time, wasn't at formal and she was my right hand (But I got to meet up with her afterwards). Anyway, I felt lonely for the first third of the dance, since it was 3 hours. But then I had to buck up and get hype. So I did. Then chilled out the last 45 minutes of the dance. NOW LADIES IF YOU SEE YOUR EX - BOYFRIEND AT YOUR FORMAL OR PROM OR JUST AN OUTING, YOU BETTER STUNT ON THEM. DON'T STARE AT THEM, JUST ACKNOWLEDGE THEM AND KEEP IT MOVING. DO YOU! AND IF THEIR PRESENCE IS BOTHERING YOU THEN DON'T LET IT. Sometimes you need to distract yourself to forget something, you can use that too.
June 10 was hopefully the last time that I would step in my dreadful, roach-infested, hell-hole of a school , that for the sake of this book I'm going to call it " Mayers Claire" . Attending Mayers Claire was horrible. Most of the teachers were decent but I really had a problem with my math teacher. She did one of the most hilarious things and tried to psych me out before my end-of-grade test. But guess what? I got a 4 . I meditated before my test and it turned out great. MY MATH AND ELA TEACHER THOUGHT I WAS GAY AND TRIED TO TELL ME THAT I COULDN'T HUG ON WHO THEY THOUGHT WAS MY GIRLFRIEND. MY SEXUALITY SHOULD NOT MATTER, MY EDUCATION DOES. Okay, I'm going to stop ranting but that was the day I graduated. Finally leaving the fugazi children that all dress the same and act the same. But 6/9 & 6/10 of 2017 were very memorable.

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