3 - Darkness

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I would like to start this by saying that this is a work of fiction. If you or anyone you know is contemplating suicide, please seek help as soon as possible. No one should ever feel this way.

She felt numb.

Numb from the pain, the hatred, the fear. She had been through hell and back and was done.

Done crying, done hating herself, done feeling broken.

Her entire life was a series of mis-steps - misfortune that fell on her shoulders without warning. She had done nothing to deserve this, yet it seemed the entire world was laughing at her mere existence.


Why her? Why now?

What had made her such an easy target to those who had no concept of her hardship?

It always came from people who had nothing else to do - that feel entertainment can be found in innocent pain. They lurk in the shadows - perfecting their makeup, smirking with their flawless teeth - waiting for you to be most vulnerable.

It's better when you're down; they see you cry more.

She was abused and labeled a slut.

She was depressed and labeled a freak.

She was human and labeled nothing.

She found herself on the floor, crimson flowing down her arms. She was sick of the lying, the torture, the sadness.

Her thoughts turned to screams of anguish and sobs that racked her body.

Pounding was heard on the bathroom door as her mother called out her name. All sounds flowed together - the screams, the cries, the knocking - but the only thing she heard was the voices in her head.

No one cares about you.

You're nobody.

You're a slut.

You deserved it.

Crimson stained the tile now. She no longer screamed, only cried. Full body cries that shook her to the core.

Then nothing.

All noise from behind the door ceased. She had slipped into the darkness that consumed her.

She was only 17.


National Suicide Hotline


Always remember, you are not alone....


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