Heart Of Ice

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"How do you put up with her?".

"What do you mean?".

"She treats you like garbage, constantly pokes fun of your family's​ economic status, why haven't you quit yet?".

"Patience is a virtue, one person cannot break him with words".

Y/N, personal bodyguard of Weiss Schnee after the assassination attempt of the White Fang. He's constantly being abused by Weiss, but Y/N didn't care, keeping her safe is his only mission.

Weiss Schnee, the cruelest person I ever met. She constantly makes fun of her workers, is extremely prejudice towards Faunuses, and has no care in the world when it comes to a person's​well being...And I'm stuck with her.

Her father choose me, since I was a fitting guard and fighter from Atlas. Wish he didn't choose me, I could be helping with involvement with the Grimm and White Fang.

Worst of all, she treats​ me like I am Butler...Not security guard...


"I'm coming Ms. Schnee".

Trudging towards her room, she meets Weiss having trouble finding her weapon. Y/N looked up to see it high on the shelf dangling.

"Stupid brother always placing it high, get for me!".

"Yes Ms. Schnee".

I raised my hand and grabbed it, and carefully gave it to Weiss. She grabbed it and walked out the room. I thought I was done, but she ordered me to follow her.

Her father was doing the whole suitor thing, he wanted Weiss to have a suitor, a proud rich man. She didn't like the idea, and always rejects. Finally, her father decided the next best thing, was for the man that actually watches over her, since everyone else was given the cold shoulder.

Pun not intended....

When I heard the news, my brain couldn't comprehend it, me...With this brat... Seriously!

A date with a Beowulf would be better than this, at least the Beowulf would give me a good time before Killing me!

Weiss on the other hand, didn't exactly disagree with the idea. Which surprised her father in a way. Y/N didn't notice, as he was already in shock from the idea.

"Are we done here father, I must get back to my training".


"Y/N follow me to the training arena, now!".

"Yes Ms. Schnee....".

Finally arriving to the area, Weiss demanded Y/N to be her dummy while she practices on him

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Finally arriving to the area, Weiss demanded Y/N to be her dummy while she practices on him. Y/N sadly agreed and became her pinata.

"My dad thought me and you would be good together, what a joke!"

That would hurt, but I don't know anyone that would even have some care for you, you snobby, bitch.

"Funny right?".

Very funny...

"Are you even listening!?".

"Yes Ms. Schnee....".

"That's enough practice, I'm taking a shower, peak on me and I'll kill you!".

Why would I take a peak on you, there's nothing peak worthy, if you catch my drift.

Weiss went inside to take her shower, while Y/N took off his equipment and head towards his room to get some sleep.

As he made his way up, he heard Weiss screaming in the bathroom. Y/N bolted in to see her on the floor covered in a red liquid.

"What the hell happened?!?".

"I don't know, help me!".

I picked her up, this red substance was sticky...And smelled like candy?


"He left awhile ago, he was carrying several containers".

"I believe they leaked the same red substance that's right here".

"Ugh...Your the worst guard, how could you not notice him carrying those containers!?".

"I asked him, he said it was for a project".

"You haven't met my brother have you, get out of this bathroom!".

Y/N gave her frown and scary look, which frightened her. He walked out and slammed the door, and trudged back to his room.

He knew Weiss is gonna complain and get him kicked out, so he might as well pack and get ready to leave.

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