powerpuff girls new powers

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Fly- can fly
Water powers- have water power and can shape it
Teleport- teleport anywhere but outside the academy
Shape Shifter- Can transform into anything
Charmer- can have very pretty face
Sonic scream- scream VERY VERY LOUD
Super strength- very strong
Blossom ^
Fly- can fly
Ice powers- can do it from mouth and hands
Fire- same like ice power
Charmer- pretty face
Teleport- teleport any place but outside the school
Super speed- fast
Super intelligence- Really smart
Mind ache- hurt people head
Super strength- very strong
Buttercup ^
Shadow travel- travel through shadows
Possion- 3 dangerous possions
Breath taker- stop people from breathing
Fly- can fly
Black hands- when hand is black she can punch you far
Teleport- teleport anywhere but outside the academy
Charmer- very pretty
Super Strength- very strong

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