Things Happen...Right? 🤔

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I woke up after a long ass night. I had my arm wrapped around Cheryl while she laid on her side. I kissed her shoulder and smiled. Today they didn't have rehearsals- So, I wanted to spend some time with my baby before I go back to work. I got out of bed slowly so that I didn't wake up Cheryl. I took my shower and did everything that I needed to do. As I got out of the shower- I wrapped the towel around my waist and went to get my clothes. I unzipped everything slowly and hoped to not wake her up. I looked over and saw that she moved around in the bed a little bit. I stopped and waited until she was still again. I took my clothes and finished getting dressed. I left Cheryl a note that I went to go get something right quick. Hopefully, she'll still be asleep when I get back but she might be awake. I put my shoes on and left out the door. As I closed the door behind me- I saw Tony coming down the hallway. He just looked at me and continued to walk right past me. I just looked at him and continued to go on about my day. I didn't want to say anything to him because I knew that the nigga would make me upset. It's already bad enough that I have to let my wife be around him. It's even worst that he stays in the same hotel and is just down the hallway. I went down stairs. I then got in the car and went to get some breakfast and flowers for Cheryl. I made my way back to the hotel and opened the door to the room. I noticed that Cheryl wasn't in bed. I looked around the room for her but I still didn't see her. "Cheryl? Baby- come here. I'm back." I said as I put the food down. "Here I come. I just got out of the shower." She yelled from the bathroom. "Ok baby girl. Take your time." I yelled back. Cheryl  then came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. She stopped, smiled at me and looked at the roses.  "Awwwwww, baby!" Cheryl said as she then came over and gave me a kiss. "Thank you so much." Cheryl said as she smiled and smelled the flowers. "Ummm hmmm. You're welcome, beautiful. I was hoping that you'd still be asleep when I came back but...." I said as I gave her a hug from behind and kissed her neck. "Eh, I couldn't really sleep any longer." She said as she blushed at my kisses that I planted on her. "Gimme another kiss." I said as I whined. She turned around and gave me another kiss. "So sweet." I said as I smiled. "I gotta go see Tamar sometime later, baby." Cheryl said. "Wait....wait, I wanted to spend the day with you." I said as I wrapped my arms around her. "I know! I just have something to talk to Tamar about." She said as she began to get dressed. "Umm k, baby girl. You know how you two are. Once you start talking, it lasts for a very long time." I said. "You're right." She said as she laughed. "Ok baby. Well, do whatever it is that you need to do. I'll be here." I said as I looked at her. "When are you leaving again?" She asked me. "Im gonna have to leave tomorrow afternoon. You know this. I won't be able to see you for a week then." I said as I sat on the bed. "I'll only be talking to her for a while. I promise, ok? Plus, that's later on today." She said. "Ok beautiful." I said as I took my phone out and laid across the bed. I continued to text back a few people and then went on Instagram for a few. As we both began to eat breakfast, I decided to ask her a few questions. "Cheryl." I said as I looked over at her. "Yeah?" She said back. "Do you have any feelings for Tony?" I asked with a serious look on my face.


My heart felt like it almost fucking stopped when Shemar asked that question. I turned towards him. "No. Why would you ask that, baby?" I said as I tried not to show my nervousness. "I just wanted to know. Tony kinda said something the other night while you were in the car." Shemar said. I thought to myself. I hope that he didn't tell him about the kiss. He couldn't have because Shemar wouldn't be this calm right now if he knew that information. Fuck. What in the hell did I get myself into. "What did he say?" I asked him. "He said that he has a feeling that you still like him." He said  "Baby, are you really gonna listen to him? I don't like him like that. It's strictly a friendship. I don't even want a friendship with him. Honestly, I just want this play to hurry up and to be over with already." I said knowing deep down that I'm lying. "Damn. Ok, baby girl. Calm down." He said as he saw that I was getting "frustrated" by what Tony said. "Come here." Shemar said as he gestured for me to come and lay on his chest. We both got comfortable while we held each other. "Cheryl, I trust you. I have never let what anybody else said ever ruin the trust that I have in you. I love you and I'll always love you. You're everything that I've ever wanted. There's literally no words that could explain the love that I have for you. I don't care about Tony and what he feels. I know that I have you and that you have me. There's nothing that could ever come between us or confuse the marriage that we have. I also know that we've been through so many things from the baby and work. That's why I wanted to talk to you about something else." Shemar said as he sat up. "What is it?" I said as I sat up and looked at him. "Do you want to try to have another baby?" Shemar asked me. "You want to try again?" I asked him. "Cheryl...I want a family. I do love it when it's just you and I. We have so much time to spend together. Therefore- I want a baby. If you're not comfortable yet or if you feel like there needs to be more time...tell me." Shemar said as he began to get closer to me. "I.....I mean. Everything will be fine this time. I know that it will be. It will be after your play and after my filming- no stress anywhere to be found." Shemar said. I looked down and I started to think to myself about what Shemar just said. "I don't know." I said. "Baby. I'd never want to put you in a position where you aren't comfortable. If you're not ready- I'll be ok with that." Shemar said as he looked at me. "I want to have a baby as well. It's just the risk." I said as I got out of bed. "I know and you're right. It is a huge risk. We both know that this is something that could happen again." Shemar said as he came over and hugged me. I was silent for a moment. "Let's do it." I said as I looked at Shemar and held his hands. "Are you sure?" He asked with a concerned face. "Of course. This time we will be extra careful and like you said- stress free, right?" I asked him. "Of course, baby girl. I'll take care of the both of you." Shemar said as he smiled. I kissed him passionately and he held me close to his body. "Come on, beautiful. Let me just hold you all day, ok?" Shemar said as he led me back into bed. He wrapped his arms around me and we pulled the covers up. "I love you." I said. "I love you more." Shemar said as he smiled.

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