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Paige's Schedule- 1st-Jonah, Corbyn, Zach. 2nd-Ava and Jack. 3rd-is Gym with Ava but none of the boys since its just girl 4th-Zach alone which isn't to bad because since he's younger he's not as mean alone, he's actually kinda cool. Lunch with Ava, all the boys and their girlfriends (Again comment) 5th- Jack, Daniel, and Corbyn. 6th-Jonah, Daniel, Ava, and Jack (probably my least favorite class). 7th-Jack and Daniel

Now on with the story 😅

I walked into my first period and went straight to my desk without looking or talking to anyone. This is usually how this period goes everyday, everyone talks amongst themselves and I doodle in my journal until my teacher starts the lessons. This teacher is pretty strict, no one speaks during class because she'll give out detentions as fast as Oprah gave people cars!

Jonah and Corbyn sit together and Zach sits with Kade, a guy they talk to but he isn't in their group, in the back of the room. While I'm in the front with a girl named Bailey, she doesn't talk much either, we've had a few short conversations but that's it. Once the class is over I grabbed my book and headed to my locker for the next period. This is where me and Ava usually meet everyday.

"Hey boo!" she practically yelled at me when she walked to me. "I saw you an hour ago weirdo" I told her laughing a bit. "IM NOT A WEIRDO , YOU ARE!" she screamed at me, I told you she made herself heard. We started laughing at each others weirdness as Daniel and Corbyn were walking by, I'm guessing going to their next class, "shut up you are both weird-" Daniel started as he knocked my book out of my hands, "I think you dropped something" he said high-fiving Corbyn and laughing. I picked up my books and me and Ava walked to 2nd. I love 2nd period, I have music and its really a time for me to just be free. I play guitar and piano but sadly, I can't sing at all.

We sat in our seats and talked until our director came in. "ok class I have some very exciting news-" she started saying, "now that we're getting close to the end of the first semester I think its time for a project." Almost everyone groaned but she just ignored it and kept going. "you guys will be partnering up and will write a song together," Ava and I instantly looked at each other smiling knowing we'll work together. "but I will be picking your partners to change the game a bit" my director added. Our smiles disappeared because we both knew we wouldn't be together since our teacher knew we always worked together.

She started saying the pairs and finally said "Paige you will be with..David" he played piano and guitar too but luckily he sang, he was ok too we talked a few times but we aren't friends.

" and jack your with Ava" she looked at me a pretended to shoot herself. I giggled a bit and started thinking of ideas. I'm not sure why, but think this will be an interesting project.

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