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The fractured steps engulfed in the warmth of dimming rays of sunlight,

surrounded by prepossessing nature are steps I may never be able to set foot on again;
is a sight I may never bare to look at again without the immense pain taking over every
corner of my demoralized mind.

The invisible tendrils of hurt launch their way down from my mind and strike my heart the way I would imagine a knife viciously piercing my chest would feel like.

It wasn't always this way though. These steps and the beautiful vicinity around it used to bring me a sense of euphoria. I used to feel content just by pondering about the times I had spent mindlessly giggling with him in this area, in our place. The small blissful moments shared here were indescribably meaningful along with the
extended, poetic talks held whilst sitting on the steps.

Everything had happened so suddenly. Being told about it felt as if all of the air in my lungs vanished, leaving me vastly desperate for air.
The air however seemed to turn toxic as my lungs repudiated every small, sharp breath that I was attempting to breathe in. The five words that only obliterate any form of good in my life.

I still recall the careful words I heard that day. Bluntly submerged with false condolence. In that sorrowful moment I had been brutally shattered into unmendable fragments of a human soul.

A rain of melancholy had poured over me and continued to do so as I carried myself through existence. No one cared to look deeper into the cause of my obvious feeling of desolation, so I stopped seeking help. I hid myself behind iron bars made of silence and remained hidden in the quiet.

Four years ago the beaming smiles ceased and the small dimples vanished from my face.

First writing piece to be ever posted, sorry its probably trash. (Unedited)

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