The Movement: A Brilliant Dream

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Within the darkness there is a light. Sent from the eternal, and of the eternal, the heavens became bright. Immersed with streaks of feminine hair, explosions in the air. All but one crashed into the primordial moon, causing the lunar craters to form. - Hers was a turbulent path, this one streak of feminine hair, that was worthy enough to get passed all obstructions, finally stabilized and settled onto her destination, the dreamer, the man. Finding her way into his mind, heart and soul. Throughout the night she educated him, revealing to him a notion of love. She then proceeded to walk with the man throughout the Earth, and together they created the world.

On the first day, together, she and the man created spoken language, a means to communicate their ideas, emotions, and opinions with each other, and they listened to one another. On the second day, they created time, organizing night and day into even halves, and the seasons into designated periods within a solar revolution, and she and the man remained together. On the third day, they swam the oceans, slid down mountains, danced throughout the forests, played in the snow, laughed, and drank from the fermented vine, and they deemed it good. On the fourth day, they tended to each other's wounds, cleaning them with water, applying honey to them for healing, then kissing the wounds for good intent, and they trusted one another. On the fifth day, they observed the animals with dull teeth, and how they eat, and they learned of the bounty that the Earth provided; fruits of all kinds, vegetables of all sorts, nuts and grains; then they observed the animals with sharp teeth, and how they eat, and they learned of the life sustaining properties of death, how the meat of the kill provided sustenance to the sharp-teeth, to the birds and insects, and what remained of the carcass nourished the Earth, and she and the man ate their fill. On the sixth day, the man asked her, "how may I transcend my mortality? so that I may always be with you", she replied "let us go into the future hand in hand". On the seventh day, she revealed to the man his purpose in the continuum. She took a branch from a tree, smoothed the edges, carved a notch at its end, smashed a piece of flint, sharpened it into a triangle, then placed it into the notch at the end of the smoothened branch, tying it into place with twine. She then handed the unknown object to the man, "this is your spear, you will use it to hunt and to love, to provide and to maintain, to protect and to create", She said to the man.

Chirping of birds, warmth of sunlight, open seeing eyes, and rise to the life. - When the dreamer awoke, he discovered her, his linked-opposite, the first woman of his kind by his side, as if she were of his rib cage, that housed his soul. "My name is Brilliance, I am sent from the eternal and am of the eternal", Brilliance said to Man. At that instance Man was inspired by Brilliance, and his dream became vision. Man then stood upright, offered his right hand to Brilliance, assisted her upright,then said to her, "let us go into the future hand in hand, and create reality from vision".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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