one big happy family

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we are waiting for the doctor to tell us news about Emily and i'm so scared if she is okay or not. we see the doctor and we all jump up and ask if is okay and the doctor says that she is out of surgery and her heart stopped 5 times and we were able to get her back all 5 times and she should be okay and if she is bleeding that we should get her to the hospital right away and she should be able to go back to work in about 5 weeks from now and we should wait to go see her. we thank him for saving Emily and he walks away. i am so happy she is okay and now Jackson is smiling and he won't stop. Garcia is keeping Jackson happy so when he goes to see his mom he will be all happy and excited. i go home to shower and pack Jackson a bag and i head back to the hospital. when i get there i hear Garcia is jumping up and down and i ask what is going on. Penelope is in tears and she says that Emily is awake and she wants to see you and Jackson like right now. so she gives me Jackson and i walk to her room and i open and i see Jennifer with Emily and Em starts to smile when she sees me and Jackson and she puts her arms out to Jackson and i give her our little boy. Jackson can't stop smiling at Emily and she says this is the first time he has ever smiled ever. i lean in and i kiss her and she is more happier then i have ever seen her in my life . she told me the one thing that kept her going was me and Jackson and that was all she thought about in there. she looks at me and says i want to go to work tomorrow. i smile and laugh and i said oh you think your going to work,i got news for you, you are not aloud now but you are in 5 weeks. she gives me a grumpy look and i laugh.

5 WEEKS LATER.............

me and Emily walk in and she looks so happy to be back after 5 weeks off of work and she asked me this morning if we are going out in the field and i told her it is too risky and she shouldn't go. so today is just paper work all day and after that the team and Jackson and JJ's kids are going out for dinner together. she sits down at her desk and she looks happy to be back and then i saw JJ go over to see how she was doing and then i thought that me and her could do paper work together in my office. so i texted her and asked her if she wanted to and she never answered back so i waited. soon i hear a knock at my door and it was Emily and she had all of her paper work and we went on the couch that i have in my office so we sat there and did our work. soon we hear another knock at my door and it was another agent and she said someone was here to see his mommy and Emily's face lit up because she knew that it was baby Jackson and she jumped up when she saw Penelope had him in her arms . she walked over and put out her arms to the little one and i had to say she was the most happiest person today. As we did paper work she played with Jackson and we switched sometimes i would have Jackson and she would work.6 pm hit and everyone was there at the BAU so we thought now was a good time to go out with the kids because Jackson was going to bed at around 8 pm. so we enjoyed Emily being alive and she loves everyone and she says she would never change a thing in her life and she had everything she ever wanted and all she needed.

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