Just a Spot of Tea...

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Ok!! So before we get started I just wanted to tell you that I don't generally write reader inserts so this might be a little crappy. Heads up, I mostly write fanficions of fandoms I'm in, original stories by me, or alternate endings to previously existing fandoms. So if you're into that stuff, I suggest you read some of my other stories as well. I apologize beforehand if this isn't the best though. But nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this!
- Oliver

You awoke this morning to birds chirping and the sun beaming down on on your face, making you squint. Your gorgeous eyes lit up in the light of the sun, shining as though they were candles in a dark cellar.
   You brushed yourself off lightly seeing as your white nightgown had become somewhat wrinkled during the night and gracefully swung your feet over the edge of the bed to rest gently on the polished, hardwood floor.
You slowly stood up and gently tugged on the red, silky drapes on your four poster bed to balance yourself. As you were stretching your arms to relieve the tension in your shoulders and elbows, you paused suddenly for a moment remembering the invitation you had received in the post two weeks before. It was an invite to an old friend's house. Ciel Phantomhive. The two of you, as children, were much closer then you are currently. You remembered him getting into an awful fire about three years ago. Unfortunately his parents and dog, Sebastian, did not survive. You haven't seen him since then... and you began to wonder how much he had changed. He used to be so joyful and such a pleasure to be around! You hoped he was still the same.
You hurriedly got ready, styling your hair as best you could and quickly got dressed in one of your most beloved dresses. The corset you chose, accented your figure and made your hips look quite elegant. You exited your room and turned down the hall until you walked through the doors leading to a grand courtyard filled with beautiful roses and spotted with blue bells and white carnations. You stayed out there for a while until your maid came and announced that it was time to begin heading to the Phantomhive manor.
   Three hours passed before you managed to arrive there. You lived quite a bit away from the Phantomhive's and you always have. It was a quiet relaxing ride though and you could feel the crisp, new, spring air on your face and putting ruffles in your hair as you poked your head out the carriage window. As the beautiful manor came into view it occurred to you that your parents were on a business trip in Scotland, so they had no idea you had even gotten an invite from Ciel! They were most likely trading opium from China with the Scottish noblemen... though they were your parents and you did love them, they weren't rich from being honest and helping out the Queen... they were mostly involved in drug trade and paid assassinations of other noblemen and women. At one point your family even participated in auctioning off women in the black market. After your parents had a daughter themselves though, for the most part, stopped taking part in that. Though your cousin kept going on and on about how he still does it, and met a beautiful little "robin", who would've made him rich. Your parents cared for you deeply and spent most of their time with you, but they still needed to do business occasionally. In fact, the only reason you and Ciel knew each other was because your family's used to do a lot of business together, seeing as they were both considered "aristocrats of evil".
   You thought about the last time you saw Ciel and hoped you two could be like that again. You were so nervous to finally see your old friend again, before you knew it you were standing at the front door!
I must've dozed off I guess!
   You waved to your maid who had accompanied you on the ride to the Phantomhive manor and signaled the driver of your carriage off before knocking on the front door.
   Part of you expected Ciel to answer and greet you with open arms. But upon the door opening in front of you a tall, pale man, with a dashing tailcoat, raven black hair, and mesmerizing eyes stood before you.
   You were slightly shocked, not remembering who this is, until you thought back to the note you had received from Ciel, part of it being an invite to his manor and the other part informing you about the new butler he had hired.
   "Oh, you must be Sebast-" you were cut off.
  " (N/Y)? Are you really here?" Ciel's voice echoed a little down the hall. He sounded so... monotone.
   "Part of me was expecting you not to come." He said firmly.
   Though you could not see Ciel yet, you could sense that something was... different.
   "Yes, miss, it seems we are about fifteen minutes behind schedule. If you could kindly follow me." The butler, whom Ciel had informed you was named "Sebastian", gestured for you to step inside, allowing him to close the door behind you.
   How weird that the new butler has the same name as Ciel's old dog... must've been a rather funny coincidence to Ciel.
   As you stepped inside the manor you realized that after the fire, everything had been completely refurbished, though somehow it seemed to have... changed. These halls used to ring with laughter but now they seemed dark... and used as an acoustic for a weeping angel. You tried not to focus on the eerie gloominess of the manor and patiently followed Ciel and Sebastian through the manor.
   Ciel shooed Sebastian off and then took charge of where the two of you were going.
   He brought you out to the garden which seemed oddly bare... then you remembered why, as you heard a shriek in the distance.
   It was Finny!
   You remembered Ciel's servants from them once coming to your manor on what they thought was a "holiday". Even though they were really just coming to work for your parents for a few days...
   Nonetheless, you did quite like them.
   "Hey! Finny, over here!" You called out to the quite upset boy.
   "Hm? (N/Y), is that you?" He began rushing towards you, seeming very excited!
   "I haven't seen you in ages, (N/Y)! I was just thinking about you actually!"
   "Well, I missed you too, Finny!"
    The two of you smiled at each other and in a little bit the other servants began to arrive outside to offer their greetings.
   You really did genuinely like all of them. They were so kind!
  After about twenty minutes of chatting with the servants about how they were and whatnot, Sebastian emerged through the doors leading out into the garden, where you and Ciel were.
   You felt a little bad about ignoring Ciel. He probably took you to the garden to be with you alone. You'd have to remember to apologize later.
   "We appear to be seventeen minutes behind schedule, young lord. I will begin preparing afternoon tea in a moment. It seems you spent a little bit too much time with Miss (N/Y) in the garden." The devilishly handsome butler pulled out his pocket-watch and let it tick for a few moments before walking back into the manor and off into the halls.
   Before now, your attention had been mostly focused on the servants and butler. The butler in particular caught your attention. A somehow familiar stranger, that you couldn't help but feel was of a greater power than any human you've ever met! Surly you must be kidding yourself though. After all, he was just an ordinary butler, wasn't he?
   Anyhow, now that the butler was gone, and you were inside with Ciel, in his office, you had a chance to focus on him and only him. Turning around in your seat you said, "I'm glad everyone here is in such good spiri- what happened to your eye?!"
   You had just now noticed the eyepatch covering part of Ciel's face, as your heart dropped into your stomach.
  The boy reached a gentle and steady hand to the fabric on his face, looking wistfully at the ground.
    "You see," he began, almost too calmly, "in the fire... my eye was taken out. I apologize for not telling you beforehand. I am sorry for shocking you, (N/Y)."
   "Oh, Ciel," you started to try to console the boy, "you know it's alright. I know it must be hard for you..."
   You looked up at the young boy who seemed to have the most unemotional expression ever, plastered onto his face. He didn't seem at all bothered, talking about what happened in the fire.
   After your sad attempt of trying to start a conversation, the awkward silence was broken by the butler returning to the room with trays of tea and cakes.
   "Here is your tea, my lord." The butler seemed to have been gone for ages, yet when you saw the time, it had only been about a minute and a half.
   "Earl Grey, is that alright with you?" Ciel seemed to coo at you.
   "Oh! I haven't had Earl Grey in an eternity! I thought I knew this scent..."
   You had smelt the relaxing aroma of the tea the second the butler had begun to prepare it.
  "I had already prepared yours in the kitchen, my lady." The butler's voice rang in your head every time he spoke to you. It was... odd.
   "Thank you very much."
   You took the tea cup off the saucer and began to sip it.
   Something seemed off about this tea for you...
   Ciel smirked. "Enjoying yourself, are you?"
   Everything began to go blurry. You thought you were dying.
   You then realized the entire time you had been here... Ciel hadn't smiled up until now.
"Oh, don't worry. It's just a spot of tea and some..."
You couldn't hear the rest of what he said but you assumed it was some horrible drug.
You watched Ciel's sly smile and vicious stare follow your every movement.
      "You... bastard."
   You managed to choke out only those two words and hear Ciel's maniacal giggles before you toppled out of your seat and everything faded to black... you had such a nice evening with him (even though you barely paid any attention to him at all)! Why did he have to do this now...?

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