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1. Don't Be Overpowered

This includes, but is not limited to, Mary Sues/Gary Stus, characters who can dodge every shot, characters who overpower every situation, characters that 'steal the spotlight' from everyone else, and otherwise. Please do not powerplay, for this makes it unfair for those who put time and effort into their OCs.

2. Be Tolerable

Do not be rude under unneeded circumstances, and even then, please consult me about the issue. Also, please hate the character, not the person! I will not tolerate violence between people. Three strikes, you're out.

3. Don't Be Greedy!

Please only take the amount of pages you know you can handle. My maximum is two, but I will allow you to take more if I like your roleplaying style. Also, if I see that each of your characters is a duplicate of the other, I will not accept them.

4. Be Patient

If someone does not respond within three days, tag them. If they do not respond within a couple of hours, tag them, but only if you see they are active. In response, we will be patient when waiting for you to respond.

5. Be Literate

Include proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, etc. I know that everyone makes a mistake once in awhile, but it is aggravating when one's English becomes intelligible. I understand if English is your second language, though, so please tell me beforehand!

Along with this, I expect detail in each reply. By detail, I do not mean verbiage. Please write a minimum of five sentences per reply. Otherwise, I won't have much to work off of! Along with this, I advise you to write in third person.

i.e. [warning: possibly disturbing?]

Putting the meat aside, Matvey began to work on the crust. Douglas' gentle touch lingered on his skin long after it had gone.

"You are very gentle, for what you did to me hours ago."

Evidently, Matvey was creating a bit of side conversation. There was a nonchalant note in his tone that rivaled the carefree nature of his laughter. He had never felt so free before; so doused in liberty that it became some sort of drug, injected too deep into his veins to push it out with a pump.

His eyes were a swirl of mania. There was nothing that they didn't touch, couldn't touch, wouldn't touch-- and their current target was the soft spot in Douglas' heart.

"What convinced you to house me, anyway? You could very easily give me away to that blasted government." Matvey lowered those same eyes to the task at hand. Venom dripped from his voice like each word was a fang being driven deeper into an open wound. At the same time, fear mixed in with that rage, and the second time Matvey looked up, his expression was that of a rabid animal.

Caged, cowardly, and confused.

"You could get a million dollars, Douglas. Are you waiting until I mature, like some cultured bacteria in a testing plate? Or are you just waiting until I sleep in your bed so that you can bind me and cut me open? My organs would sell for an abundant amount of cash."

He swallowed the next few words like they were barbed wire being forced down his throat.

"I would sell for a lot of money."

6. Cursing/Smut

I honestly don't care how much you curse. Just censor it (i.e. s/hit, he//, f*ck. You could use accent marks in place of regular letters; it doesn't matter to me.) However, please keep in mind the time period, and how certain language may not fit in with the theme. And please, if someone or myself asks you to tone it down, tone it down. There is to be no smut whatsoever— take it to another roleplay, if you want it so badly.

7. Wait for Me to Accept you First

8. Dark Themes
There will be dark or mature themes, including drug abuse and possible war destruction. If you're sensitive to any of that, or are below the age of 13 or 14, please don't join.

(sorry not sorry, I don't want this to be dead so that I embarrass myself)
and whoever else I've forgotten

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