#4 - Gone With a Crash

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[1x1 between me and heartbells ]

[ disclaimer: any and all artwork, music, or gifs used are not mine unless stated. ]

You are in desperate need of an organ transplant

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You are in desperate need of an organ transplant.

An unfortunate man perished in a tragic car accident.

Shortly after, you get a call that you're next on the list for donation.

The transplant surgery goes well. However, there are unforeseen side effects. While in the hospital, you begin to see a dark figure in the corner of your eye, a person you have never seen before. You dismiss the sightings as mere hallucinations-- perhaps it has something to do with the medications you're on.

Finally, you're allowed to go home, and relish in the thought of being free from the hallucinations. Yet, instead of stopping, the sightings become more vivid, more frequent, until--

What if your donor wasn't ready to leave just yet?


Basic Plot

In the prime of their life, Character A perishes in a tragic car accident. Shortly after, Character B, who is in desperate need of an organ transplant, gets the call that they're next on the list for donation. Character A was an organ donor and because Character A and Character B were a perfect match, Character B becomes a recipient of the vital organ from the recently departed Character A.

The transplant surgery goes well, however there are unforeseen side effects. While in the hospital, Character B begins to see flashes in the corner of their eye of a person they've never seen before, Character A. At first, Character B dismisses the creepy sightings, assuming it has something to do with the medications they're on.

Once Character B's allowed to go home, the sightings become more frequent and Character A's non-corporeal form becomes more vivid. Character B experiences the shock of their life when Character A actually begins to speak to them one day, suggesting that they're now connected somehow because of the transplant.

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