Ya know?

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You know that moment when you really just want to kill yourself because you're sick and tired of everyone's shit and you're sick of always being rejected because your "not pretty enough" and you're sick of having people constantly cancel your plans because they're "too busy" but you know that they really just don't want to hang out with you because they would rather talk shit about you behind your back with they're other friends. And your sick of everyone pushing you around and calling you "nothing" and "worthless" but no matter how hard you try you can't help but belive them because if they say it so much then it must be true. And your SO FUCKING SICK of being depressed and unhappy and you just want to cry and scream until the voice go away.  But they never go away. They stay and hurt you and you can't do a damn thing to stop them.

Do you know that feeling? That's what I'm feeling right now. And the only reason I'm not dead or cutting is because my family is forcing me to be out of the house.

I think I need help.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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