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As I'm falling I think to myself. I could save myself now but I chose not to. I'm thinking about my past and how horrible it is. Thrown out of your own house. Being raised by yourself. Learning to fight and get food on your own. All I've done in life is hurt other people with out trying. How could I do such a thing? Oh wait I know. It's the job I have. My grandfather recently made contact with me. I need to gather the people he needs. I am not sure why he needs them but he does. That's one job I uphold. My full time job is working at this high agency it's called G.U.N. Yeah the name is weird, but they took me in when I was 8. I made my way up to the top ranks in less then a year. I don't know my real birthday. I've never seen my family. All I know is that I'm Dulea and I am a legal assassin and I do what I'm told. The only things special about me are that I have wolf ears and cat like eyes. Though my eyes are two different colors one is blue like the ocean and the other black as night. My boss says my wings are from the demon realm. I have the ability to open portals anywhere, I also can read minds and lastly I can pick things up with my mind.

I close my eyes. I'm kinda glad I came this far. Then I feel hands rap around me. I open my eyes to find a boy with red and black hair catch me when I was supposed to hit the ground. "What are you an idiot?" He says still hold me. "Do you not talk or something?" I nod. "Then talk you idiot!" He yelled. I jumped out of his arms hitting the floor this time. "No need to yell" I growl. "Well maybe you should talk next time your spoken to" he growled back. "And if I don't want to?" He growled and glared at me. "I don't have time for this" he huffed. I turned around and started to walk away. "Where do you think your going?" He said grabbing my wrist harshly. I broke away from his grip pulling him to me. "Don't do that. And that's none of your business." I say putting my hands behind my head and start walking. He started to follow me. "What do you think your doing?" I said facing him again.

"You never gave me the chance to introduce myself." I roll my eyes. "It's not like I'll remember but whatever" he walked right in front of me and stuck his gloved hand out. "I'm Shadow"

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