"jimin, how do you feel about yoongi going on tour?" hoseok asked, sipping on his drink that he held in his right hand, his eyes looking straight at jimin.
jimin just smiled and shrugged, glancing over at his boyfriend. "i'm happy for him, for you all. you will have so much fun. of course i'm gonna miss him a lot but he's living his dream. plus, as a fan i personally know how excited everyone gets when you guys go on tour so that makes me happy too. knowing that there's so many people that will finally get to see you. i never had that experience but i'm sure it's amazing."
everyone had there eyes laid on jimin, smiles on all of their faces. they thought that the boy would start rambling on about how much he would miss yoongi but clearly that wasn't the case and they could tell he wasn't pretending. jimin was genuinely happy for them and it made everyone like him even more.
"you see, this is why i like you so much. you're so understanding." yoongi took jimins hand in his own, pecking his cheek softly. jimin smiled and bit the corner of his lip, looking down at his lap.
jimin couldn't lie, it killed him to know that he wouldn't see yoongi for 3 months but everything he just said was true. he loved the fact his friends are able to make so many people so happy, including him.
"3 more days..." taehyung spoke, earning a glare from yoongi. everyone looked at each other except jimin. he was still looking at his lap, suddenly feeling sad about it all. he didn't realise that it was already so soon.
after a few seconds, jimin looked up with a smile, excusing himself from the table. "i'm gonna go to the bathroom."
yoongi nodded his head, watching his boyfriend walk off. he could tell there was something off about him but he didn't wanna bring it up in front of everyone.
"is he alright?" seokjin questioned, raising an eyebrow as his eyes set on yoongi. yoongi shrugged his shoulders, getting up from the table. "i don't know but i'm gonna go check."
yoongi made his way into the bathrooms, seeing jimin standing with his hands places on both sides of the sink and he was looking down, his eyes shut. he mustn't have heard anyone come in.
"baby, are you alright?" yoongi walked over to jimin, placing his hand on the small of his back. jimin opened his eyes and looked up at him, instantly putting a smile on his face. he nodded his head, "yeah i'm fine."
"no you're not, i can tell. you don't need to lie to me, jimbles. what's wrong?"
"i'm just gonna miss you so much." jimin looked away from yoongi, feeling embarrassed of the cause of his sudden sadness. yoongi just wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, pulling him into a hug. "i'm going to miss you too. so so much."
jimin rested his head against yoongi's shoulder, shutting his eyes as he done so. "everything i said in there was one hundred percent true, seriously. it's just, when taehyung said it was three more days, it suddenly hit me how much time we actually have left and how long we're gonna be apart."
yoongi hummed in response, pressing his lips to the brunettes head, knowing completely how jimin felt. "i know baby, but we can do it. once i'm back we'll have a load of time to spend together."
jimin let out a sigh and nodded his head, pulling away from yoongi. "you're right. we should go back to the others before they wonder what's taking us so long."
"hmm, we should, but first," yoongi pointed to his lips, a cheeky smile on his face, making jimin very aware of what he was asking for. jimin just giggled and leaned up, kissing his boyfriends lips quickly before making his way towards the door, yoongi following him outside with a smile on his face.
"sorry we took so long, i had to talk to yoongi about something." the brunette apologised as he sat down in his chair, yoongi soon sitting down beside him.
"it's okay, jimin. is everything alright?" seokjin asked, raising his eyebrows as he glanced between the two. "everything's fine, thank you for asking hyung."
the rest of the time spent in the restaurant was spent eating food or everything talking amongst the group, their conversations consisting of yoonmin flirting with each other, hoseok making fun of taehyung or jungkook huffing because seokjin still thought jimins cheeks were cuter than he was — which namjoon couldn't help to agree with.
now it was time to go and jimin was outside saying goodbye to everyone, thanking them for the lovely meal.
"i'll see you tomorrow?" yoongi had his arm wrapped around jimins waist, the latters arms around the elders neck. "you will, yeah."
"lazy day?"
"mhm, sounds good. mines or yours?"
"yours." jimin nodded in agreement, pecking yoongi's lips softly. yoongi smiled before unwrapping his arm from jimin who was doing the same with his own arms.
"i must leave, thanks again for tonight. see you tomorrow." jimin pecked yoongi's cheek before he rushed off to his car, getting inside and putting his seatbelt on before he began driving away, waving at the group of boys who were still waiting for their car to arrive as he drove past.
this is short and boring but it'll do i suppose
also hasn't been read over iM SORRY IM SO LAZY

blocked | yoonmin
Fanfictionwhen yoongi can't help but fall for the fanboy who is constantly blocking him.