Chapter 2 - Beauty of a Maiden

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I woke to the sun, the gleam of its bright surface blinding my eyes. I groggily placed the back of my hand over my face to shadow the sun. Wait? why am I in a bed?

I looked down and saw I was in a white-sheeted bed, my leg was covered in white bandages which were carefully wrapped around my thigh. I grazed my fingers over the covering and looked down, a lady sat at a desk in the corner of the room writing down something on a pad.

She had dark grey hair which tangled into a high bun. "W-Where am I?" I croaked as I sat up rubbing my eyes, "Oh! My dear!" she cried getting up quickly leaving whatever she was previously doing to help me, "Please sit back down you are too weak to stand" She said.

I stood up perfectly and looked at her, she had an astonished look on her face. To be honest, I'm used to pain like this, I have a strange endurance so I can handle it.

"How did I get here?" I asked She looked at me for a moment then explained. "You were taken in while one of the princes were going through the forest", I nodded "And the other princes helped take you here, if it wasn't for them you could have been more than badly harmed" She explained, "Where are the princes? I would love to thank them" I said.

"Well the closest Prince is just down the hall and to the left," she said pointing down the hall. I nodded and was about to go down the hall until she stopped me. "Miss! Please put some other clothing on" she said pointing to my clothing, my tattered (F/C) shirt and dirtied jeans. "I have some clothes you may put on over there" she explained gesturing towards the curtains in the corner of the room. I nodded and got changed.

After I left I went down the long corridor was painted with different patterns, flowers turning into animals turning into coils and ribbons all painted in a darker shade of pink than the wall.

Then there was a large door, twice the size of me. It was white and had golden trimming along the dips of the door and the nob. I grasped the nob and twisted it open, as the door cracked open I could hear the laughter of girls.

I poked my head into the room and saw a long haired blonde cuddling on a couch with a group of girls, he was flirting away while the girls swooned over him. I groaned 'Please say this isn't the prince' I hoped.

He looked up from one of the girls and looked at me "Hello? And who may you be?" He said with a flirtatious smirk, "Um... are you one of the princes who saved me?" I asked. He gasped and smiled "You're the girl from the forest!" he exclaimed standing up.

~Litch's POV~

The creaked open and a girl poked her head into the room, she had long (H/C) hair, it went down to her hips, her hips... they were perfect actually she was the perfect body type. She looked at me with bright (E/C) eyes. A long strand of her hair was coloured (F/C) strange...

She looked to me and She explained that she was the girl Leonhard had found yesterday in the forest. She was wearing a show white dress and black tights, along with a denim jacket over her shoulders and some black flats.

 She was wearing a show white dress and black tights, along with a denim jacket over her shoulders and some black flats

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