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Now only one task remained. The killswitch. Activating the switch would trigger and emergency kill gene in every living being infected with the insanity virus. Killing all titan and chimeras in one blow. But that also meant Eren would die to. It wasn't something to debate if he gets to live or die. Throwing the switch was necessary. Otherwise everyone who died to get them here would mean nothing. Both of them knew this. They say it's easy to say hello, much harder to build a bond and maintain it. But the hardest part. The most inevitably cruel. Is having to say goodbye. But how? how do you say thank you for a lifetime? how do you put into words what is unwordable? say what is unsayable? Tell someone the degree of how much you care for them, when there is no analogy or combination of words in the english language to describe it? Something like that cannot be described. Only thought, only felt. And now here she was. Saying goodbye to someone she loved. Someone she loved more than she could ever tell him. Saying goodbye one last time. The two of them stood there, unsure what to say, or even how to begin. 

"s-so this is the last time i'll see you?" Mikasa asked, already knowing the answer

"yes." eren replied. To choked up in tears to say anything else.

"I-I don't know what to say..." Mikasa began

"there is nothing to say. All my life I chased after something I thought was so far away, only to discover it has been the person who had traveled right next to me the entire journey. I always hated the world. All I ever thought about was revenge, hatred, moving forward without ever looking back. For all you and Armin gave me, and saved me from, all I repaid you with was running away. I took you all for granted. I showed such little compassion, I was a fool jumping clean into my own death, but still. You two followed. Despite the consequences. I spent my whole life looking for something out there, only to find it was beside me all along. You gave so much. All you had. You cared so much, and i never stopped to think about it. I never showed much kindness. And only now, have I learned to love you, all of you. No words can describe how much i'll miss you. How much i'll miss this whole world. But weather in this life or the next, we will meet again. I will stop at no obsticle or storm, cliff or sea, canyon or mountain, at nothing, to find you. Because before I ever knew it, before you found it true, before we ever even existed, I had already loved you. Before the sea or sky, before the stars or moon, before there even was a world, I was looking for you. Perhaps our souls are billions of years old, and we have taken on thousands of different forms, as animals, as trees, as mountains, who knows? No matter what form our souls may of took, I was looking for you. Before time. So we have been together since the beginning of time. And yet I've only know you for 14 years. No matter where you go, or what happens to us, this love will never die. It has binded us together for billions of years. And it will continue to bind us until the end of all time. I love you. I have always loved you. And I will always love you. Forever, and for every single eternity, my beloved." Eren was crying, but he was crying out of happiness. The promise they would meet again, fall in love all over again in the next life, was all he needed.

As he finished speaking, Mikasa stood in awe of his words.  She too was crying and smiling. 

"I stayed because I love you. I stayed because when you saved me from those slave-masters all those years ago, I saw in you a world that I had taken away from myself. I believed in you from the start. As I grew to know you, I desired your companionship. Because I knew you could be kind. You hid it behind your walls of anger, and you always had your mind on other things. But I saw in you the potential to love, to truly care for another being just as you do for so much of the world. This may be goodbye, but only temporarily. We will meet again. Weather as souls in the abyss, or two butterflies on the wind, I will see you again. You said it yourself. Love this strong lasts more lives than I could count. Goodbye Eren. I'll never forget you. I'll see you soon."

The two smiled, then kissed, for a moment, they forgot their sadness. To simply stand in each other's arms and be held was enough. All the worried melted away, and all the sadness was replaced with the promise of rebirth. 

Hand in hand, they walked up to the switch. Climbing the short set of stairs, eyes on the horizon. Together, they placed their hands on top of each other, looked each other in the eyes, smiled, then pulled down. The switch made a squeaky noise as it slid down, then made a metal thunk when it was all the way down. 

It was done.

Humanity was free.

Goodbyes said and done.

Lives lost and won.

Farewell to a world.

Farewell to a girl.

Farewell to this world

Hello to meeting again in the next.

Mr.KnifeEyes (attack on titan fanfiction) Eren X MikasaWhere stories live. Discover now