The Talk.. Maybe??

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Chris's pov

As I open my eyes all I see is beautiful strawberry blonde hair everywhere. My arms are wrapped around her waist and we are spooning and it's oddly satisfying holding her and being so comfortable. As I watched her sleep my stomach growls, afraid that I'll wake her, I get up. Slowly taking my arms away and getting off my bed, as I do she moves reaching out for me then goes back to sleep. I smile and walk towards the kitchen, when I get there I remember that my dad, Ali, and Olivia are here. "Shit!" I mumble under my breath putting my hand to my head, this is going to bring  up a lot of questions that I don't want to answer and I was hoping that today I could finally find out what Eva has been hiding. She didn't want to tell me when we were alone she definitely won't tell me with people around.

Coming back to reality while I enter the kitchen I see everyone sitting at the table and eating breakfast. "Good morning Chris, how did you sleep?" My dad asks, the girls turn, not realizing I was there untill now. "Umm, good?" I say more as a question then an answer. "Well don't sound so confused." My dad said with a laugh, "Are you hungry darling?" Ali asks, turning and pointing at the food on the table. Hell yeah I am but I don't want to leave Eva up there alone and I don't want to wake her and bring her down here, so I'll bring food to her. The perfect solution. "Yea I'll just grab something and go back upstairs, I have homework." I say trying to give them an excuse to let me go. They all look at me with wide eyes, "Oh my god, my son, doing homework! Praise the Lord!" My dad laughs and stands up with his hands in the air. "Can I just get the food and go." I say wanting to get out of here fast.

After they joke around about me actually doing my homework I leave and head to my room. Eva is still sleeping and it looks like she hasn't moved, for a second I think she could be dead but I see her breath so she obviously wasn't. With my food I take a seat at my desk, pulling out my homework if I'm going to be up here waiting for her to wake up I may as well do something...

After I finally finish my school work I put it into my bag and check my phone it's almost 3, dam she can sleep forever. I get up and head into my bathroom locking the door and taking a shower, after a few minutes I hear my bedroom door open but I'm still in the shower. Once I'm done I get out wrap a towel around my waist and open the door, all I see is Olivia standing there with her mouth wide open staring at Eva who is still on my bed. "What do you want O?" I say as I walk to my dresser and grab some clothes. She turns to me just now realizing I'm there, closing her mouth and blinking a few times before speaking. "Umm, who is that?" She say pointing at Eva, I roll my eyes and put on my shirt "My girlfriend." I look back at her and she looks hurt, oh my god, she is pissing me off. "Did you want something other than staring at me and my girlfriend?" I ask trying to speed this along, I definitely don't want Eva waking up with Olivia here. "Umm, right I was wondering if you where doing anything today? I'm so bored maybe we could do something?" She asks with a stupid smile. I roll my eyes again and say, "No Olivia, I'm hanging out with my girlfriend." I say stressing the 'girlfriend' part and point to where she is on my bed. After that she looks down and walks out closing the door louder then she should have, I turn to Eva who started to stir in my bed then sat up, blinking then looking around to see where she is.

"Good morning babe." I say while walking over to her and sitting down on the bed beside her. She looks at me and smiles "Hey, how long have I been asleep?" I looks at my phone and it's almost 4 dam, "well it's almost 4 so practically all day." I tell her with a smile, she just looks at me and laughs "Oh my god, it must be your bed, it's like sleeping on a cloud." "Yea I like it but it's definitely better with you in it." I say with a wink,"Well maybe we should have sleepovers more often." This time it's her who winks and my mouth drops open "Dam, maybe we should."

After we talk and laugh for what I wanted to be forever there was a knock at my door Eva froze and looked at me "I thought you lived alone?" "I do, my dad, his girlfriend, and her daughter come over last night as a 'surprise." I tell her as I get up and answer the door. Opening it to see my dad standing there, "Hey Dad what's up?" "Are you talking to someone?" He asks and walks through the door and stops as he sees Eva sitting on my bed under the covers. "Dad this is Eva." I say and he looks from me to her then me again and says "Chris you didn't say she was beautiful." I look away with a small blush coming over me, what the hell, I never blush, what is this girl doing to me. When I look back up Eva has a questioning look on her face, "Uhh dad me and Eva are going out for awhile see you guys later." I walk over and grab Eva's hand, pulling her up and drag her out and down the stairs and to my car. Not letting my dad say anything else. When we get to the car I look at her and ask "where do you want to go?" She looks up at me and says "You didn't say I was beautiful?" I look at her and smile, "I didn't have time to get to all the details with them in an hour." She smiles then says "we should go get some pizza." Perfect.

After we got pizza we went to the park and just sat on top of the hill and talked after for about an hour, I finally built up enough courage and asked the billion dollar question, "Eva what happened?" She just looks at me and then up to the sky, thinking. After a while she says with a sigh, "What do you want to know Chris?"  "Everything Eva." She just looks at me waiting for a specific question. "Why did you come over crying last night?" She turns away, and just as I think she isn't going to tell me she starts speaking, "My mom likes to drink, and when she does she gets mad and hits me or throws bottles like she did the morning before I went to the hospital. Normally I'm fine, I can lock my door or go to Noora's, sometimes she doesn't even know I'm there. And she only stays at the house for a day at the most but now.." she pauses, I move closer to her and put my hand on her chin and turn her head to look at me "Now what?" I ask, a tear runs down her face and she continues "Yesterday she said she took time off so we could have mother/daughter time and that was after she hit me." My eyes widen "She hit you?" She points to her cheek and I see a faint bruise, the only reason I just now saw it was because she put makeup on to cover it but because she's been sleeping all day I guess it has come off a little. "You can stay with me for as long as you want." I say and pull her into a hug, "I love you, thank you for trusting me with the truth." She pulls back and kisses me then pulls back again "I love you to."

I hope you like this chapter I forgot about her getting hit so I tried to recover because I didn't want to rewrite the entire chapter...hope you like it anyway..

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